Thursday, March 6, 2025

Parker: Our freedom as Americans is a gift

The holiday of Independence Day is always an exciting time of year. People gather on the Fourth of July for parades and backyard cookouts with anticipation of catching a booming fireworks display illuminating the night sky. This summertime holiday offers an opportunity for people to travel and enjoy the outdoors, bringing family and friends together to celebrate the birth of our great Nation. Whether one is home or away, the true meaning of the holiday resonates within the hearts of Americans because we have been gifted the great blessing of freedom.

President Ronald Reagan, who loved our country and deeply cherished the United States Constitution, spoke a profound truth when he reminded us that, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

The Fourth of July isn’t merely a holiday or a yearly event – it is a gift we must never take for granted. Our Founding Fathers stood against tyranny and selflessly gave their honor, risking their lives to establish America as a land of freedom and opportunity for every man, woman, and child. Their unwavering courage was expressed in the Declaration of Independence and gave birth to the United States – a grand experiment of democracy founded in bravery and boldness, ultimately paving the way for Americans to live their greatest potential. The wisdom and passion of The Founders for individual liberty and rights has guided each generation since, here at home and across the globe, serving as the beacon – America forever shining as the last, and best bastion of freedom on earth.

Over the 247 years since the first celebrations after the Declaration of Independence was signed in Independence Hall, America continues to triumph. Together as Americans, we have learned what it means to live with freedom as well as the danger of eroding the rights that empower people over government, surrendering our democracy.

We know freedom has come at a high cost. Throughout our history, Americans have experienced daunting and seemingly insurmountable challenges that have tested our humanity and our will to survive. We have seen the sacrifices of brave soldiers who courageously defended our country, protecting our freedom at the enormous cost of the horrors of war and conflict in our homeland and abroad.

Our Nation has been strengthened by many brave Americans who have spoken out against injustices, committing their lives to open boundless opportunities for all, changing the course of our history. Despite great trials, we have also seen our Nation thrive under the will of its people with an engrained spirit of liberty boldly evident within the American heart.

History has shown that we are not yet a perfect Nation, nor have we been unaffected by the dire consequences in terms of life, prosperity, division, and cruel hardship. But it is from these trying times that the gift of democracy, the calling of freedom, and the resolve of the American people always emerge.

Benjamin Franklin was asked during the Constitutional Convention “What kind of government have you given to us?” He replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” That warning was prescient, as today more than ever, our founding principles of freedom and individual liberty are under attack and our Constitution disregarded. Together, we will keep the promise of a brighter tomorrow by upholding the founding principles that have guided us as a free society, working for the good of our citizens and prosperity of our Nation.

As we celebrate this Fourth of July, let us strengthen our resolve for America’s future, celebrating freedom as one Nation under God, never forgetting the sacrifices and lessons that built our republic and the calling to protect and pass on a stronger, more prosperous Nation for generations to come.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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