Friday, December 13, 2024

Denton ISD named DFW’s fastest-growing school district

Denton ISD continues to rank No. 1 as the fastest-growing school district in North Texas, according to a real estate study.

During a recent Denton ISD Board of Trustees meeting, Bob Templeton of Zonda Demographics (formerly Templeton Demographics) provided a detailed second-quarter growth report on new home sales in Texas, and Denton ISD is still far outpacing neighboring school districts for new home starts, quarterly new home starts, current new home inventory, vacant developed lots and future lots, according to a district news release. New housing closings post 2,841 in Denton ISD annually.

Within the district’s 180 square miles, Denton ISD currently has 55 actively building subdivisions with 42 future subdivisions and about 4,900 future multi-family units in the planning stages, according to the district which posted its highest student enrollment numbers ever this year with 32,309 students registered for the 2021-22 school year.

“This extraordinary growth is not just within the boundary lines of our district. Just north of the Providence community, in a neighboring school district, DR Horton is building a 5,000 home subdivision,” said Charles Stafford, board of trustees secretary. “We’re surrounded by this growth. We’ve found over time that people discover there are better programs right down the road and they transfer over to us. As we keep building facilities like the Advanced Technology Center and offer those types of programs on our campuses that these other districts don’t have, more and more people are going to want to come to Denton ISD and that’s a good problem to have.”

Templeton said the district’s current biggest area of growth is in the eastern corridor along Hwy 380. One of the largest future areas of growth will be the Hunter and Cole Ranch land in south Denton, expected to bring 20,000 homes over the next several decades.

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith is the Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette.

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