Thursday, March 6, 2025

Just the Facts with Mayor Ron Robertson

On Saturday, May 3, 2025, Copper Canyon will conduct a General and a Special Election.

For the General Election, three citizens will be elected at large to serve a two-year term for the following positions: Mayor, Council Member Place 2, and Council Member Place 4. These positions are currently filled as follows: Mayor – Ron Robinson, Place 2 – vacant, and Place 4 – Dale Andrews.

For the Special Election, one citizen will be elected at large to serve as Council Member Place 3 for the remaining term of this position (one year). Council Member Place 3 is currently filled by Dave Gibson.

Candidates may submit an application for place on the ballot beginning on Jan. 15. The last day for submitting an application is Feb. 14 at 5 p.m.

For more information, please contact Town secretary Sheila Morales at [email protected]

Proposed Developments

Residential developments being proposed include Quarter Horse Estates and Aune Ranch. Quarter Horse Estates is proposed to be located at the northwest corner of Woodland Drive and Chinn Chapel. This proposed development includes four two-acre lots with one entrance on Woodland Drive. The preliminary plat for Quarter Horse Estates will be considered by the Town’s Planning and Zoning Commission on Jan. 13 at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Aune Ranch has not submitted an application for review at this time.

Copper Creek Estates Phase III (outside the Town’s jurisdiction) was approved by the Denton County Commissioner’s Court on Dec. 17, 2024. The development consists of 39 one-acre lots with private roads, and 100% of the development is located in unincorporated Denton County.

Charter/Spectrum Communications Project

The fiber project is underway, and homeowners may notice white lines, colored flags, and/or paint in their yards, marking existing utilities. These markers, placed by 811 (USIC) and the local water department, are critical for safe construction and should not be removed until work is complete.

Residents will receive door tags at least 48 hours before construction begins. The tags will include a QR code linking to detailed project information and a platform for submitting complaints or concerns. Signage will also be posted at neighborhood entrances to announce Spectrum’s arrival.

More information about the project can be found on the Town’s website, including contact information for the Charter Spectrum Team, how to report concerns, and a Q&A about the project.

Town Office Hours / Future Meeting Schedule

Planning and Zoning Commission meeting – Jan. 13 at 6 pm.

Town Council meeting – Jan. 13 at 7 p.m.

Town Hall will be closed on Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

I encourage you to stay involved, whether by attending town meetings, participating in community events, volunteering for committees/boards or sharing your ideas and concerns. Together, we can build on the successes of the past and create an even brighter future for Copper Canyon.

May this New Year bring you and your loved ones joy, health, and prosperity.

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