This week, the Argyle Town Council approved an updated Comprehensive Plan to help manage the town’s ongoing growth.
A Comprehensive Plan is a long-range planning tool to guide staff, Town Council, boards and residents in the town’s development for the next 5-10 years, and it aims to reflect the community’s sentiments, aspirations, goals, objectives and vision for Argyle’s incorporated land area and extraterritorial jurisdiction. The last time Argyle updated its Comp Plan was in 2018, and since then the town “has seen its fair share of development pressure,” and some components of the 2018 plan “have not worked as intended, particularly for implementation,” according to the town website.
“A significant portion of the Plan was focused on form-based code and relevant information, which, unfortunately, does not serve its purpose in a suburban small town focused on preserving its rural character,” the plan draft says.
The update process began in 2022, and last year a 15-member Comprehensive Plan Action Committee formed to work on the updates. Multiple times over the last year-and-a-half, the town sought the community’s input through online surveys, public hearings and town hall meetings.
“The updated comp plan further strengthens the Town’s vision to retain our rural heritage while addressing several issues such as introducing traditional land use categories to replace form-based code, resolving conflicts among the existing land use, future land use, and the zoning map, revising the thoroughfare map, and establishing goals, objectives and specific action items for the Town leadership and staff to work on for the next several years,” said Nabila Nur, the town’s director of community development, in a LinkedIn post.