Saturday, September 7, 2024

Robson Ranch Rambler — November 2023

We just returned from a family gathering in Ohio to celebrate a 50th wedding anniversary. Not ours, we have another 10 years to go. We are fortunate to be able to travel to these family events. The honored couple is fortunate to be in good health and surrounded by children, grandchildren and extended family. Belonging is that feeling of connectedness to a group or community. It’s the sense that you are part of something…accepted by your people.

Living in an active adult community with 5,000+ like-minded people may be the ultimate environment for feeling like you’re part of a big family. We don’t stop there. Many Robson Ranch residents who have retired away from their home states have established clubs with membership based on their common home state. We gather together in groups and clubs based on shared political views, religious beliefs or preferred canine pals. Yes, in a past July 4th parade, there was a pick-up truck full of Bichon Frisé dogs and their proud owners!

November 11 is Veteran’s Day. Honoring Veterans unites Robson Ranch residents.

Support Our Troops, Inc. (SOT) is a proactive, non-profit, non-political, volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable organization that helps provide for the material, physical and emotional needs of our military personnel at home and abroad. Held in conjunction with the Robson Ranch Veterans Day Program, the SOT silent auction is a major annual fundraising event. On November 11, the Clubhouse hallways will be lined with wonderful donations that allow SOT to consistently bring in over $20,000 annually.

SOT mails monthly “care packages” to our troops overseas, often responding to special requests from those serving in remote desert sites and other hostile environments. They give gift cards to active-duty personnel at Christmas and send birthday cards and written communications to our troops on a regular basis. They have even sent pool cues for a unit who had a pool table but no sticks!

The Robson Ranch Veterans Park was designed and built by the SOT Veterans Park Committee on land provided by Robson Ranch developer, Ed Robson, who served in the Marine Corps. The Park was dedicated on November 11, 2008. Individual Veterans and military units are honored on engraved paver bricks and on 25 benches. Most are related to Robson Ranch residents.

Support Our Troops promotes community patriotism by providing volunteers to place, recover and maintain the 180+ flags in the median of Ed Robson Blvd. The grand display extends from the front gate to the Clubhouse on every designated flag holiday. As a community, we feel grateful and humble as we drive by those flags.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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