Hello Double Oak Citizens,
We all know what November means; the holidays are approaching. Holidays are always exciting as we gather with friends and family to celebrate. It is our time to be kind and give thanks for everything we have.
Webster defines the word holiday as “a day on which one is exempt from work” or “a day marked by a general suspension of work in commemoration of an event.”
Thanksgiving and Christmas always seem to come to mind this time of year when you think of the word holiday. But a significant day occurs on November 11th, and that day is Veterans Day.
According to Britannica, Veterans Day is a national holiday honoring Veterans of the armed forces and those killed in the country’s wars. The observance originated in 1919 on the first anniversary of the 1918 armistice that ended World War I and was known as Armistice Day. It was commemorated in 1921 with the burial of an unknown soldier from World War I at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia. Other countries that had lost soldiers in the conflict, such as Italy and Portugal, conducted similar ceremonies that year. The previous year, unknown soldiers had been interred at Westminster Abbey in London, England, and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France.
November 11 became an official national holiday in the United States in 1938. In 1954, the name was changed to Veterans Day to honor those who had served in all U.S. wars. Ceremonies are held yearly at the Tomb of the Unknowns, and floral tributes are placed on the graves of service men and women and at memorials throughout the country. Naturalization ceremonies have become an essential part of the day’s activities.
In Britain, Canada, Australia, and France, November 11 is observed in honor of World War I and II veterans. In Britain, the second Sunday of November is Remembrance Sunday, and in Canada, Nov. 11 is Remembrance Day. In Britain and the Commonwealth countries and countries of Europe, it is common to observe two minutes of silence at 11 a.m. on Nov. 11, the time and date of the World War I armistice in 1918.
To all our Veterans of Double Oak and the rest of the country and worldwide. We SALUTE you and thank you for sacrificing for our GREAT country, The United States of America.
New Fire Chief

The Double Oak Volunteer Fire Department is excited to announce Erik Eichinger as its new Fire Chief. After 25 years of dedicated service to our community, Chief Whisenhunt is retiring from this position. Scott Whisenhunt will remain with the department to guide Chief Eichinger in his new position.
Chief Eichinger has an extensive background in executive management. He has served as training officer, on the board of directors, and as a captain with the necessary experience on fire ground operations and command to continue the outstanding service the DOVFD has provided the town of Double Oak.
The town of Double Oak would like to congratulate Chief Eichinger on a well-deserved appointment and thank former Chief Whisenhunt for his years of service to the town.
Double Oak 13th Annual Turkey Trot
An annual tradition in Double Oak is the “Turkey Trot,” which takes place on Thanksgiving morning. Join us for a great race at the Double Oak Turkey Trot 5K and One Mile Fun Run on Thursday, Nov. 23, at Double Oak Town Hall, 320 Waketon Road. Packet pickup is at 7 a.m. Walk-up registration will be $50 if not sold out. The Fun Run race starts at 8 a.m. and the 5K starts at 8:30. Register at raceentry.com/races/double-oak-turkey-trot-5k-and-one-mile-fun-run/2023/register.
Public Safety
With all the activities and events around the holidays, the number of calls for EMS, Fire, and Police also increase. The following is a reminder to contact first responders in Double Oak.
The Double Oak Volunteer Fire Department and the Double Oak Police Department are dispatched through the 9-1-1 Communications Center with the Denton County Sheriff’s Office. If there is an emergency, call 9-1-1. The non-emergency lines are: 972-434-5500 and 940-349-1600.
Double Oak Volunteer Fire Department website is: doubleoak.texas.gov/fire-department
The DOVFD fire station phone number is 972-539-7683. This is for general administration purposes.
Double Oak Police Department website is: doubleoak.texas.gov/police-department
The Double Oak Police Department general administration phone number is 972-355-5995.
Thank you for taking the time to read this update and, more importantly, being involved citizens in this Great Town called Double Oak!
Any opinions expressed in this update are my thoughts and not officially those of the Town of Double Oak or the Town Council. I welcome all comments and suggestions. Be sure to catch all exciting news or updates; please visit the Double Oak Town website at www.doubleoak.texas.gov. In addition to contacting Town Hall at 972-539-9464, Double Oak citizens may reach me at [email protected].