By Tim Bach, senior pastor, Argyle Community Church
Luke 22:42 – “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine be done.”
July rings loud with the word “Freedom,” but truth unlocks the door of Freedom!
What is happening in your life that needs you to pray, “Father, not my way, I want it your way.” If you can pray that and mean it, that is where true freedom is found.
I know that doesn’t sound “logical,” but it is the most freeing thing we can do. Surrender feels vulnerable and risky. When we try to do things our way, it’s like we are praying “my will be done.” I know that feels safer in the moment, but I promise you that His ways are higher than our ways.
Our friend Christy Nockels wrote a song and she said it this way:
“You turned my mourning into dancing
Lifted my sorrow, joy filled my soul
When I grow weary, Your strength renews me
I thank You, Lord, Your love never let me go
Jesus, my Savior, my Rock, my Redeemer
You are my Lord, You’re my all
Jesus, my Savior, my Hope, and my Healer
You are my Freedom song”
So this July, I pray that as we celebrate freedom, as we sing “Let freedom ring,” may we remember that to fully trust the Lord Jesus Christ is true freedom!
Philippians 4:7 – “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
The Pastor’s Place features columns written by a different area church leader each month. Call 940-728-8284 for more information.