Friday, February 14, 2025

News from Double Oak Town Hall — July 2023

Hello Double Oak Citizens. Hard to believe we are halfway through 2023. In the past few months, the town has been quite busy.

The citizens elected a new mayor and three new town council members. The town celebrated two former mayors, completed a rebuild of Waketon Road, and numerous other road projects are either complete or in transit.

With traffic buildup on FM 407 and other surrounding roads, Double Oak has become even more of a “pass thru” town. Simmons, Cedercrest, and Tanglewood, our primary north-to-south routes from FM 407, are seeing more traffic and will continue to increase in volume. Kings Road and Waketon, our east and west streets, are seeing the same increases.

We must ask our citizens and non-citizens who may read this article to comply with our Double Oak traffic laws.

Our town speed limit is 30 mph unless otherwise noted by a traffic speed limit sign.

It is expected that ALL vehicles, including bikes, are expected to stop at all stop signs.

It is law and courtesy that we use our turn signals when making left and right turns.

Ensure that you have up-to-date registrations on your vehicles.

Our Double Oak Police Department is here for the safety and security of all citizens and those visiting our town. The laws mentioned above are not taken lightly by our officers, and they will be out to enforce these laws to protect our citizens and to slow down the traffic passing thru Double Oak.

Thank you in advance for obeying our Double Oak Traffic laws.

Georgette and Dick Cook Celebration

On June 17th, the Town of Double Oak honored longtime mayor and citizens Georgette and Dick Cook. Dick was mayor of Double Oak for 12 years. It was a grand ceremony, and the town celebrated Georgette and Dick with stones laid in our town memorial and unveiled Dick Cook’s name above the door to the council chambers.

Georgette and Dick’s daughter, Ildi Cook Hattorf, shared with the town her thoughts of growing up in Double Oak, and I would like to share those thoughts about our city with you.

Double Oak, my childhood hometown. A dedicated community to serve all.
Outstanding parades and fun down-home picnics.
Unassuming small town.
Best place to call home. Life was simpler here in Double Oak.
Love of family and neighbors, where everyone knows your name! Even the police, LOL
Everyone should want to be a part of such a community and town! The BEST!

Open-hearted to all who come by.
Amazing community
Kindhearted Bubble of a Town!

Double Oak July 4th Celebration

As this article will publish after July 4th, I will take the time to thank our Double Oak Volunteer Fire Department and Double Oak Women’s Club for what is always the best 4th of July Parade and Celebration in North Texas.

I would also like to thank the citizens, friends, and family of citizens who attend from all over. This premier event brings everyone together to celebrate with activities, food, and friendship. I am sure everyone had a great time, and we look forward to next year’s celebration.

Town’s 50th Anniversary Logo Contest

The 50th Anniversary logo will have been chosen during the Annual 4th of July celebration. There were numerous entries, and by the time you read this, the citizens will have voted upon the logo. Congratulations to the winner of the logo contest. And thanks to all who submitted a logo, as each was unique and special.

Double Oak 50th Anniversary Committee

The committee working on the Double Oak 50th Celebration next May has been hard at work. As mentioned in this article, we will now have a 50th Anniversary logo to attach to this committee’s public relations work.

From what I hear, the celebration will occur over multiple weekends next May and the events they are lining up sound exciting.

Please save the date, May 2024, and we will share the actual weekends and dates in future correspondences from the town.

Double Oak Roads Projects

Waketon Road is now fully complete. Please slow down and enjoy the new road.

The mill and overlay projects have also been completed, and these roads should be “smooth sailing”: Meadow Knoll, Park Lane, Shady Oak Lane, Timberview Drive.

The annual road repair, called crack seal, will begin in late July and run through the fall. The Roads and Drainage Committee has identified up to 16 roads for this road treatment. The Town Council will approve the bids at the July 17th Town Council meeting, and the work to begin shortly after that.

Braum’s Update

Work will begin in September, with the expected opening date of March/April 2024. We will continue to be proactive with Braums and provide updates to the town as the construction begins.

Upcoming Events

  • Town Council Meeting – July 17 – 7 p.m.
  • Double Oak Women’s Club – July 18 – 7 p.m.
  • Jellybeans, Snack Bags Drop Off – July 19 – 9 to 11 a.m.
  • 50th Anniversary Committee Meeting – July 24 – 7 p.m.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update and, more importantly, being involved citizens in this Great Town called Double Oak!

Any opinions expressed in this update are my thoughts and not officially those of the Town of Double Oak or the Town Council. I welcome all comments and suggestions. Be sure to catch all exciting news or updates; please visit the Double Oak Town website at In addition to contacting Town Hall at 972-539-9464, Double Oak citizens may reach me at [email protected].

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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