Sunday, February 16, 2025

Around Argyle — April 2023

Springtime is here and so is the biggest event on the Town of Argyle calendar, the Easter Egg-Stravaganza, held on April 1. Thanks to Councilwoman Sherri Myers and the Argyle Lions Club for once again planning the event. Church partners, sponsoring businesses, the Argyle Police Department, Denton County Emergency Services District #1 and the Argyle Seniors Organization for making the event fun for the entire family.

While we are talking spring, the Town’s Annual Spring Cleanup Day will be held on April 15th. Argyle residents will be able to drop off:

• Household hazardous waste, including paint, oil, batteries, fluorescent light tubes
• Electronic waste, such as TVs, computers, stereos
• White goods – water heaters, washer/dryer, freezers (with refrigerant removed)
• Documents – which will be destroyed on site
• Tires – you may drop off a maximum of four car or light truck tires.

The drop off will run from 8 to 11 a.m. in the rear parking lot at Town Hall. Proof of Town of Argyle residency is required.

The May 6th, general election will be held at Town Hall from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Early voting is available from April 24th to May 2nd at any Denton County polling place, which you can find at Note that Argyle Town Hall is not an early voting site. The Denton County Southwest Courthouse in Canyon Falls will be the closest early voting location for most Argyle residents. There will be a Candidate Forum at Argyle Town Hall on Thursday, April 6, at 7 p.m.

Argyle-based businesses may be eligible for a small business grant, funded by COVID relief dollars awarded to the town by the United States Treasury. For details on the program and to review eligibility criteria, go to the Economic Development tab at the town’s website –

I again congratulate the town staff for their efforts through the year to maintain Argyle’s status as a Tree City USA community. For the fourth year in a row, Argyle has been selected for the award, which celebrates the American cities and towns that preserve and expand their urban forests.

Finally, a word on the Oncor transmission line study. In a recent briefing that Oncor representatives gave to Senator Tan Parker and the mayors who have come together to engage with the utility (Argyle, Northlake, Justin, Bartonville and Flower Mound), we learned that the alternative routes nominated by Northlake Mayor David Rettig and myself are being given a full analysis and engineering assessment. Although it is too early to say how the study will play out, the meeting was constructive and the comments from Oncor gave me confidence that we will see a positive outcome for Argyle. See the town’s website for more details.

Argyle Seniors Update
Submitted by Stella McDaniel

Due to the bad weather forecast the seniors had to cancel their March luncheon. Hope everyone had a great St. Patrick’s Day with the corn beef and cabbage.

Our Publicity Chair Gabbie Su and her helper Karen Kiel have been working on different activities for the seniors. Several attended the Tulip Farm in Pilot Point, then had lunch at Bebo’s.

If you would like to know more you may contact Gabbie at 415-516-5395 or Karen at 940-206-4563.

Our next luncheon will be April 6th. Hope to see everyone then!

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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