I hope that your team is faring well during March Madness! Our town continues to win and I have some exciting progress on a few things to share…
Senator Tan Parker recently brought together the mayors of the six cities impacted by the proposed Oncor transmission lines for some further negotiations. We’re seeing some possible breakthroughs on the negotiations that are very promising to secure our neighborhoods. The job won’t be done until this summer and there is much work to be done but there is reason to be very hopeful. Our Texas Senator and US Congressman offices have been extraordinary in their efforts to support us, as has the leadership of my counterpart Argyle Mayor Bryan Livingston to rally our communities to the fight. More to come…
We are excited to share that the long-awaited construction of the signal light at Cleveland-Gibbs and FM 1171 and has been moved up from June to the first week in April thanks to requests from citizens and pressure from our town. These projects take far too long to get prioritized with the state but our new district engineer heard our ask and got us moved up the list. It will still be a while before the light is operational but this is the beginning of the end of the long process to get this important safety device in place.
I had the privilege of attending Denton County Days in Austin at which over 200 of our local and county leadership were present for two days of meetings at the capital. Our Denton County Commissioner’s Court accepted a resolution on our behalf on the floor of both the Texas House and Senate with our largest ever delegation watching from the gallery. Denton County brings one of the largest delegations in the state every two years to work with our representatives on key legislative issues that affect our region. An exciting legislative session is underway and we look forward to what they get done this year.
Local elections are here! Every year we have the lightest voter turnout during our local elections and we hope that you will be one of those who chooses to participate. We have one contested Northlake town council race, two Argyle ISD races and three Northwest ISD races. Besides this, Northwest ISD has a bond on the ballot and Northlake has proposals to fund a multi-use sports facility on 114 for public hockey, basketball, volleyball and pickleball enthusiasts. Get informed on the issues and candidates on your ballot and make sure to take part in the election.
Win or lose in March Madness, the weather is getting warmer and it’s a great time to get out and enjoy nature with friends and family before the hot weather is on us. Good luck and stay safe!