Friday, February 14, 2025

Around Argyle — December 2022

Argyle Mayor Bryan Livingston

Veterans Day was a community event to remember. Over 200 flags were on display on US 377 over the weekend that started Nov. 11. We will build upon our Veteran Day efforts going forward. The town is looking for suggestions from citizens on how we can better recognize the contributions of the men and women who have worn the uniform in years to come.

I want to recognize the many people who contributed to the 2022 observance of Veterans Day, starting with the citizen donors who responded so generously to the crowdfunding efforts of Billy Bishop and the Argyle Veterans organization. Thanks to citizen contributions, we doubled the number of flags that lined US 377.

The Argyle Public Works team led by Director Robert White was augmented by volunteers as the flags went up, including 10 members of the Argyle Eagles football team and local business leader Marcus Doyle, who also generously contributed flags. Argyle ISD participated by hosting the flag display on two campuses.

I also want to thank the Argyle Seniors Organization for generously devoting their November luncheon program to honoring our Veterans. Many Veterans attended and told their inspiring personal stories. Family members of Veterans from the Second World War to the War on Terror spoke about their pride in the service of their husbands and fathers.

As a town, I propose that we listen to Veterans who have been telling me that there is a need for outpatient services to help combat Veterans. Southern Denton County has a high population of combat Vets, and Veterans Admininstration resources are not nearby. Far too many of our warriors are lost every year to suicide. I have been talking with the leaders of non-profits, such as charities that work on behalf of combat Vets, and our neighboring jurisdictions. There is general agreement that combat Veterans and their families need counseling support and other services in an outpatient setting.

I am launching a steering committee made up of Veterans, members of Gold Star families and citizens who are called to help. The mission of the steering committee is to deliberate and propose a plan for establishing an outpatient facility in southern Denton County. Once the need is well-defined, the steering committee will seek the support of Denton County jurisdictions and other organizations, such as private donors, to develop a plan for realizing a solution. If you wish to participate in this effort, please contact me at [email protected]. Let’s see what we can do, together, for our Veterans.

Argyle Seniors Update
Submitted by Stella McDaniel

Honoring our Veterans at The Argyle Seniors’ Thanksgiving luncheon on Nov. 18 was a great honor and privilege for the Argyle Seniors. We enjoyed hearing each Veteran tell about their experiences while serving in the USA Military from each of the different branches of service. Each Veteran was given a pen as a small appreciation for their time keeping us safe and serving our country.

Included in our Veterans was also our Mayor Bryan Livingston as he served in the service too. We honored him with an appreciation certificate as well for his outstanding work as our mayor.

Our thanks to our Decorations Chairman, Barbara Livingston, and those who helped her for the outstanding Veterans Day decorations.

We had several speakers including Vivian McLane speaking about Medicare Insurance and also Kathy Salisbury with Keep Argyle Beautiful. Also, we heard from Argyle Town Council members Ron Schmidt and Rick Bradford who spoke for a few minutes on updates affecting Argyle Seniors.

The Seniors’ next luncheon will be at Hillside Grill in Highland Village on Friday, Dec. 16 at noon. We have to have a headcount to make reservations, so if you plan to go, please call or text Stella at 940-391-6686 no later than Monday, Dec. 12.

We will be coming back to the Senior Center at Town Hall for dessert and our game, “Right & Left” to exchange gifts. We hope everyone can come and have fun!

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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