Saturday, May 4, 2024

Bartonville Town Update — September 2022

As I mentioned last month, we are in the beginning stages of updating our Comprehensive Plan. During their August meeting, P&Z members discussed and recommended to Council a community survey, which in turn Council members discussed and approved during their August meeting. The survey questions track very closely with previous surveys so that we may gauge any potential shifts in community vision regarding land uses.

The Comprehensive Plan is the roadmap for the town’s future, so resident feedback is critical. Surveys will be limited to one per household, and you must be a Bartonville resident to participate. Please keep a look out for announcements on our website. We hope to have this survey available in a few weeks.

The Bartonville Traffic Committee held their first meeting on August 15 and voted on the Chair and Vice Chair positions. Safety was the focus of discussions, with speeding and cut-through traffic being the biggest concerns. Enhanced signage, including radar speed signs, as well as strict enforcement were discussed. Additional items being researched include a potential hands-free ordinance for mobile devices and other physical mitigation options. The committee will continue to meet on these issues until a comprehensive formal recommendation can be presented to Town Council for their consideration.

Road work is underway in town. By the time this message reaches you, work crews will be in the process of clearing vegetation from roadway edges with herbicide, crack sealing areas that need it, and saw cutting and completing full depth repairs in those areas where the roadway has completely failed. The saw cutting allows for a specific failed area to be removed to the road base and completely rebuilt to match the surrounding asphalt. Once all this work is completed, those areas approved in this round of funding will be microsurfaced. This process can extend the life of the roadway by up to 10 years.

The Bartonville Town Council voted during the August 16 Regular Meeting to set the maximum tax rate for the 2022-2023 fiscal year at the current rate of 0.173646 per $100 valuation which is the same tax rate for 2021-2022. This rate balances the increasing valuations of existing homes and businesses, with the increasing needs and costs associated with maintaining roads within the community. This rate remains one of the lowest municipal property tax rates in the state. The Town Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed budget on Tuesday, September 6, at 7 p.m. Formal adoption of the budget and tax rate will be conducted at the September 20th meeting.

As our residents know, Bartonville is a town of neighbors. Many were reminded of this on Friday, August 19, when one of our residents contacted me distraught over a pregnant cow stuck in the mud up to her belly. As I reached out to other neighbors, it became apparent that there would be plenty of hands and resources available to mount a rescue. As neighbors began to dig in the thick mud to free the cow’s legs, Bartonville Police arrived as did the Argyle Fire Department. Once the cow’s legs were cleared, the rescue team (neighbors) and the Fire Department were able to get a harness around the cow and pull her safely free.

It was the best result you could hope for, and a simple reminder of how important “community” is to Bartonville residents. This was also a great reminder to keep a close eye on livestock and pets during a drought. While they seek water to beat the heat, they are unaware that the thick mud left behind by receding waters can pose a hazard.

New Bartonville Businesses

Conditional Use Permit applications have been received for Marty B’s Event Center and Whataburger.

The public hearings for the Event Center are scheduled for P&Z Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. and Town Council Sept. 20.

Public hearings for the Whataburger are anticipated for P&Z Oct. 5 and Town Council on Oct. 18.

New Subdivisions Under Construction

Trifecta Estates – Town Council accepted the public infrastructure at the recommendation of the Town Engineer. Building permit applications can now be processed. This subdivision includes eight two-acre residential lots on just over 20 acres.

Hudson Ranch – Town Council accepted the public infrastructure at the recommendation of the Town Engineer. Building permit applications can now be processed. This subdivision includes 33 two-acre residential lots on approximately 85 acres.

Eagle Ridge – Construction on the infrastructure continues. This subdivision includes 38 two-acre residential lots on 87 acres.

Do not miss any exciting news or updates, please visit the Town’s website at and sign up for updates from “Notify Me.”

In addition to contacting Town Hall at 817.693.5280, residents may reach me at [email protected]

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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