Long-time Texas residents know that hot summers are more the norm than the exception. We live, however, in one of the two fastest growing counties in the US. Many newcomers may be asking themselves if they made a good decision in relocating to North Texas as the days of triple digit high temperatures drag on. 2022 is on track to be one of the top 10 hottest years since the 1980s. This is not a typical summer.
Denton County is also experiencing severe drought conditions, along with most of Texas. Droughts are not routine, although we see a very dry period roughly once every decade. The longest drought that struck Texas in the recent past lasted from 1950 to 1957. That event triggered a multi-decade water impoundment program that is the reason for the large number of lakes in our area.
Texas is built to handle the hot and dry, but we all have a part to play during challenging summer weather. I encourage you to keep the farmers, ranchers and seniors of our region in your prayers as they cope with the heat and drought. Argyle will be under water restrictions until wetter conditions return. Please follow the guidance of the Argyle Water Supply Corporation and only use irrigation during the cooler hours of the day and not more than twice a week, on your specified days. Details on the current water restrictions can be found at argylewsc.com.

In May, I was invited to pay a visit to Scotland’s Inveraray Castle, where Barbara and I met the Duke of Argyll. The father of the present duke established a friendship with then-mayor Yvonne Jenkins, who adopted the distinctive script letter ‘A’ of the former duke’s signature as Argyle’s town logo. Torquhil Campbell, the 13thDuke of Argyll, is the hereditary head of clan Campbell. He kindly welcomed us to his home and commented that his father felt a strong connection to the town of Argyle.
The disruptions of the last two years have not been good for air travel. In Europe, major airports are struggling to operate normally. We lost our luggage twice during the trip. Unfortunately, our gift from the Town of Argyle to the Duke was in the lost bags and we were unable to present him with a set of rodeo spurs custom made for the occasion. Two weeks ago the lost bags showed up, and with them the spurs. The town logo and the present Duke’s signature are featured in the design. The spurs are now on their way to Scotland, to serve as a reminder of our visit.
It is budget season for Texas cities. New Argyle Town Administrator Erika McComis and her staff are working hard to develop a proposed budget for presentation to the Town Council. In coming weeks Argyle citizens will have an opportunity to attend or live stream Town Council deliberations on how your government will allocate tax revenue to fund the needs of the town. The process will wrap up with a public hearing to adopt the budget and to levy the town’s share of ad valorem real property taxes in September.
Argyle Seniors Update
Submitted by Stella McDaniel
Lots of fun and laughter was had at the Argyle Seniors Independent Day Luncheon with our very own decorator Barbara Livingston grilling the delicious hamburgers. The decorations were beautiful with Jody Bellinghausen making rockets that made them outstanding. Our thanks to both ladies. Also to Yvonne Gamble, Cathy Orsbun and Cheron McClintock who helped decorate.
There will be no August luncheon. Our next luncheon is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 2 at 12 noon. We will be honoring our Argyle police men and women. Our speaker will be Argyle Mayor Bryan Livingston. Our door is always open at 10:30 for those who like to come early for coffee and donuts.
We’re happy to have our Seniors Vice President Karen Kiel back safe after a car wreck on her way to the airport for a vacation and cruise in Alaska.

The seniors will be meeting at the center at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4 to go to Camp Copass for their annual Seniors Day luncheon. The food is always delicious and it’s at no cost. They do take up a love offering that helps sponsor the workers there at the camp who will be going to another country as missionaries.
Our Fall Festival and wiener roast will be on Saturday, Oct. 29 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Stella McDaniel, 371 Old Justin Road. We always have a costume contest and a prize for the winner. Spider Man plans to visit us as we play games and have fun.
If you or a friend is 50 years of age or older we would love to invite you to our monthly luncheons and activities.
For more information you may text or call Stella McDaniel at 940-391-6686.