Saturday, September 7, 2024

Mitchell: Volunteering truly makes a difference

As spring gets underway, now is the perfect opportunity to find an organization doing something you are passionate about and volunteer your time and energy to help others.

It is a great way to meet new people and to collectively work with others toward a common goal.

Volunteering is important because it enables us to help others in a selfless way – whether through helping people, supporting philanthropic causes or providing assistance to local non-profit organizations.

Throughout the past two years, many volunteers staffed food pantries to help dole food to those in need. Others helped serve hot meals to the homeless. And recently, many helped us clean up historic cemeteries in Lewisville including the Macedonia-Champion and the Fox-Hembry historic black cemeteries.

Whether you spend time during the Great American Cleanup picking up trash in community parks and along major thoroughfares, donate your time at the church daycare or help plant and harvest at your local community garden – each individual contribution of time, talent and energy makes the world a better place for us all.

April is the official National Volunteer Month, but volunteers are needed year-round. Take the time to discover your passion, find an organization, entity or group that shares your enthusiasm and join with like-minded individuals.

Studies have shown that giving selflessly of ourselves to benefit others is a great way to relieve stress, make connections and feel good about helping someone.

Opportunities to volunteer abound. And to save you some time and trouble searching, we’ve included a few suggestions that might be just right for you:

Town of Flower Mound

Volunteers are always welcome at the library, parks and recreation, animal services, financial services, and citizen patrol – to name a few.

Christian Community Action

Volunteers are welcome individually or in groups (classes, families, organizations, etc.) to assist with the food pantry, computer instruction, office assistance, professional counseling, spiritual care, delivering meals to senior citizens, back-to-school personal shopping, free lunch packing and more.

Hickory Creek Helping Hands

This group needs volunteers to assist when tragic situations occur to Hickory Creek residents, such as when someone suffers a loss or a household fire.

Lake Cities Education Foundation

An annual fundraising golf tournament needs volunteers as hole watchers, banquet or raffle set-up, golf cart drivers, registration and more.

City of Highland Village

Everything from teaching classes to helping parks and recreation with the Easter egg hunt or father/daughter dance is available. Your family or coworkers can adopt a park or trail or even plant a tree in a city park.

AmeriCorps Seniors Foster Grandparent Program

This program allows you to mentor troubled teenagers and young mothers. The Foster Grandparent program connects role models like you with young people with exceptional needs. Volunteers also help guide students to higher academic achievement, help care for premature infants or children with disabilities, and assist in nursing homes. Volunteers provide guidance to a more successful future while also receiving the benefit of having served your community.

United Way of Denton County

Check out this website for a long list of volunteer opportunities at local non-profits including the North Texas Communities in Schools, Denton County Friends of the Family, First Refuge, Giving Hope, Our Daily Bread and more.

Denton County

Get involved with the Citizen Emergency Response Team or the Medical Reserve Corps – both organizations provide training opportunities on how to assist in times of need. In fact, our Medical Reserve Corps was instrumental in the success of our mega vaccination clinic at Texas Motor Speedway last year. If you like history, check out our Office of History & Culture or go through the Sheriff’s Office Citizen Academy class and join the Volunteers in Police Service Program.

Whatever you choose to do, you’ll be glad you did. Nothing is quite as satisfying as knowing you are helping others.

Connect With Us:  Be sure and connect with Denton County on Facebook at and on Twitter @DentonCountyTX. You can also follow me at

If you have any questions or comments, please let me hear from you. My email is [email protected] and my office number is 972-434-4780.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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