Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Meet the Primary Candidates: State House District 64

In March, local voters will go to the polls to select their party’s nominees for political office at the county, state and federal levels.

The Republican and Democratic primary elections are scheduled for March 1, 2022. Early voting will begin Feb. 14. To win their party’s nomination, a candidate must earn more than 50% of votes in the race; if a race with three or more candidates doesn’t end with one candidate receiving more than half of the votes, a primary runoff election will be held between the top two vote recipients on May 24. The winners in each party will be on the General Election ballot in November. Find more voter information on the Denton County Elections Administration website at

New State House district maps

Among other races on the ballot will be the State House District 64 seat, which now represents the city of Denton, the Robson Ranch area, northwest Denton County and Wise County after recent redistricting. Click here to see which U.S. Congress, State House, State Senate and Board of Education districts you’re in now.

Two Republicans filed to run for District 64: Incumbent Lynn Stucky and challenger Andy Hopper.

The Cross Timbers Gazette emailed questionnaires to candidates in selected contested primary elections. Their submissions are listed alphabetically below.

Texas House District 64 (REPUBLICAN)

Lynn Stucky

Lynn Stucky (i)

Age: 63

City/Town of Residence: Sanger

Current Occupation: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Education: Bachelor of Science, Kansas State University, 1979
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Kansa State University, 1983

Public Service: Sanger School Board, Member, 1997 – 2008
Sanger School Board, President, 2008 – 2012

What motivated you to run for this position and why are you the best choice? I am running for re-election because there are important issues that I want to help address. I am elected to be a steward of our resources and do it thoughtfully and honestly with working people in mind. House District 64 is ground zero for dramatic growth and as we plan for new roads, schools, water needs, and public safety, I believe I am the most qualified to hold the office of State Representative. I stand by my record and experience. Having served my community through numerous charities and leadership positions I believe I am the best suited to return to the Texas Capitol as the state representative for House District 64. I can show what I have accomplished as opposed to offering empty rhetoric, whether it be support for our teachers and schools or protecting our southern border.

Endorsements: Available on website


Facebook Page: State Representative Lynn Stucky

Andy Hopper

Andy Hopper

Age: 44

City/Town of Residence: Decatur

Current Occupation: Software Engineer

Education: Master of Science in Computer Science, University of North Texas
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Ohio University

Public service: I joined the Texas State Guard in 2014 as a way to serve Texas. I am a Warrant Officer assigned to T6 in the TXSG HQ which has won three consecutive Best of Texas awards and saved Texas an estimated $20 million.

I co-founded Wise County Conservatives, a successful Republican Grassroots
organization. We offer speakers, training, and recruited 12 new Precinct Chairs in 2021.

I am also a co-leader for the SD30 Coalition for Grassroots America, We the People.

What motivated you to run for this position and why are you the best choice? I am running for Texas House because our rights are slipping away and it is the duty of conservatives to stand up against the lobbyist-funded establishment in Austin. We are in the midst of an invasion of our southern border, in every way facilitated by our own federal government. Our right of local self-government is critically impaired, and our legislature in Austin continues to cede control to Washington D.C. I will stand for the liberties of Texans, and the right of Texans to decide what is best for Texas. I will not be beholden to the lobbyists or establishment, and will do exactly what I promise – to stand up for our founding principles of limited government, and stand firm, regardless of consequence, even if I must stand alone.

Endorsements: Denton County Conservative Coalition; East Texans for Liberty; Grassroots America: We The People; Grayson County Conservatives; National Rifle Association AQ Rating; Patriot Society Boyd; Texas Eagle Forum; Texas Freedom Coalition; Texas Gun Rights; Texas Homeschool Coalition; True Texas Project; West Texas for Life;
Charles Applewhite
Dylan Barnes
Spencer Brolsma
Jeff Cason
Cindi Castilla
Tera Collum
LTC Bruce Cunningham
Chandler Crouch
Shellie Ferguson
Jon Francis
Jill Glover
Monica Hamilton
Biff Hayes
Rodney Holmes
Rex Hoskins
Kevin Huffman
Traci Jenkins
Danny Lambert
Brent Lawson
Nate Lynn
Julie McCarty
Debra Medina
Wade Miller
Tyler Miller-Shain
Jennifer Moulton
Rocky Pack
Brenda Platt
Chad Prather
Fran Rhodes
Vinny Rincon
Valarie Smith
Mickey Tanner
Jerry Taylor
James Varnadore
LTC Allen West
Dave Wylie


Facebook page: Andy Hopper for Texas House District 64

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith is the Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette.

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