Monday, February 10, 2025

Liberty Christian’s College and Career Expo prepares students for life

Liberty Christian School freshman Garrett Fox wants to be a doctor, so he can “help people and change people’s lives.”

Fox said he was excited to participate in Liberty’s College and Career Expo because the event is designed to be so much more than a career fair.

“it’s about hearing from professionals about their journey not just their job,” he said.

The conference-style event, held Nov. 2, featured 25 professionals from more than a dozen industries. The purpose: to highlight that finding personal and professional satisfaction is about so much more than a college major or a job title.

Renowned psychiatrist Dr. Lisa Pierce participated as a professional in the medical field. She’s also interested in the event from a parent’s perspective. Her son, Adam, is a Liberty senior.

Pierce said she believes the Liberty Career and College Expo is uniquely designed to help students recognize that they should be open to life paths and possibilities they may never expect.

“I hope they hear that authenticity and flexibility can make all the difference,” she said.

“When I went to medical school, I was convinced I would choose any specialty but psychiatry,” Pierce said. “But the reality is that this path has been more authentic, more fulfilling and more meaningful than I ever could have imagined.”

Dean Niewolny shared a similar story. He spent 23 years as a Wall Street executive. Then in 2010 he and his wife took a trip to Africa that changed his perspective on success and motivated him to make huge changes in his life.

Now for more than 20 years, Niewolny has challenged and coached the nation’s most influential business leaders to redefine and refocus their metrics for success as the CEO of the Halftime Institute.

“The Halftime Institute is all about teaching people to focus not on success as the world defines it, but on the relationships that matter most,” he said. “What I hope students take away is that when you focus on your passion, your gifts and God’s calling for your life, tremendous things are possible.”

As Liberty freshman Nate Benson put it, “The career expo is more of a life journey exploration kind of thing.”

For more information on the ways Liberty Christian School in Argyle raises leaders with servant hearts and equips students for college and beyond through activities like the College and Career Expo, please contact Kirk Porter at [email protected] or 940-294-2103.

–Written by Jaime Blanton

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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