Monday, February 10, 2025

Around Argyle – September 2018

Argyle Mayor Donald Moser

Wow, it’s September already! You know what that means? Back to school is in full swing, summer is wrapping up and the days are getting shorter! As if that wasn’t enough, it also means there are only three months until Christmas! So we can start to shift from back-to-school shopping to Christmas shopping.

Before talking about town matters, I want to share with you what September means to me and my family. September is an especially important month for us as it is National Prostate Health Month. Let me give you a little background as to why.

This last year has been a bit of a whirlwind in the Moser house. We ran a hard campaign and won. I was sworn in as Mayor on May 16, 2017. Then on June 29, 2017 our life was flipped upside down when I heard the words “YOU HAVE CANCER”. After two and a half months of testing, I was diagnosed with Metastatic Prostate Cancer. My wife and I were numb for several weeks not knowing what to do with that information. We needed to seek treatment and educate ourselves on the multitudes of treatment options and filter the information we were receiving from different doctors. To our advantage, we have family and friends in the Oncology field of medicine which was tremendously helpful. After long talks and some very emotional days, I chose my treatment plan which started in October and continues today. Thanks to my medical team at UT Southwest and MD Anderson, I’m doing very well.

I am sharing my story for dual purposes. First to bring awareness to the public about prostate cancer which is more common than breast cancer. Statistically more men are dying from prostate cancer than women from breast cancer. Yet it isn’t talked about much. Some men have the misconception that prostate cancer is an “old man’s” disease. Nothing could be further from the truth.

My second purpose in sharing this news is in the hope that more men will get on board with having yearly exams. I do not want to leave women out of my story because I can tell you prostate cancer also has a profound impact on them. I encourage women to push, pull or shove their husbands, fathers, brothers, boyfriends or any other male in your life to have that yearly exam. Early detection is the key with any type of cancer. I never showed any signs or symptoms. I NEVER thought it would happen to me. It was discovered by a blood draw that showed a slightly elevated PSA. I had another redraw a month later which had the same results. I was referred to another doctor who told me not to worry about it. I’m glad I didn’t listen and pushed for more testing because that’s where my story began. The goal in sharing my story is a simple one – to hopefully make a difference in another man’s life.

“Morning with the Mayor” will be on the 8th of September instead of the 1st as that is Labor Day weekend. In attendance on the 8th will be Andy Eads, current County Commissioner Precinct 4, Dianne Edmondson, candidate for County Commissioner, Precinct 4 as well as a host of other civic leaders. This is a great time for everyone to come out and meet our officials. We will start at 8 a.m. and everyone from Argyle and surrounding communities are welcome.

We are now accepting applications for several positions on the Planning & Zoning board as well as the Economic Development Commission. Anyone who would like to serve the community and meets the requirements for these positions may apply. You can obtain an application online at and scroll down to Applications.

“Movie in the Park” will be September 22nd in the town park at 135 Crawford Rd at 6 p.m. The movie will be “The Lion King”. Bring your own chairs, blankets and drinks. Popcorn and cotton candy will be provided. Prizes will also be raffled off. Prior to these events there will be a chili cook-off sponsored by The Argyle Education Foundation. I will be helping judge this event.

As always, we are committed to serving the citizens of Argyle with the utmost Integrity and Transparency. My philosophy is to serve for the Common Good with a Common Goal with Common Sense.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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