A five-candidate City Council race in Highland Village is now down to two contenders.
Jim Archibald will face Jon Kixmiller in a runoff election in Place 2 on June 16 since no candidate received more than 50-percent of the vote. Kixmiller lead the pack with 45 percent of the vote and Archibald was runner-up with 19 percent.
Jon Kixmiller – 428 votes, 45.44%
Jim Archibald – 176 votes, 18.68%
Dave Shilling – 166 votes, 17.62%
M. David True – 103 votes, 10.93%
Jason Edwards – 69 votes, 7.32%
“I’m very pleased with the showing and turnout of voters for Highland Village and I’ve already gotten votes of confidence from some of my opponents,” said Kixmiller. “I was out every day campaigning, as were some of the others, which meant we got to know some really nice people.
“Most of us [candidates] were out [at the polling center] under our pop-ups and we had lunch together. It was a very pleasant day.”
“I am grateful to all those who voted for me in the May 5th election for Highland Village City Council. I look forward to the runoff election coming up on Saturday June 16th,” said Archibald.
“If elected to City Council, my focus will be to apply my backgound in engineering and business, my experience in various roles in local government and my abilities as a problem-solver to the issues facing the city,” said Archibald. “A top priority will be to scrutinize the Highland Village city budget and ensure taxpayers are receiving a reasonable return-on-investment (ROI) for their hard-earned tax dollars.”
Asked what he thought about facing another election next month, Kixmiller said it is what it is.
“It’s too bad we have to hold a runoff, but Highland Village requires it [a 50-percent plus 1], instead of just a majority,” added Kixmiller. “That’s how it is, so that’s what we’ll do.”