The summer months are coming and we have a lot of activities for everyone in the family. But first, I want to tell you about two people who have been serving our community for many years.
Council member John McGee has represented you on Council since 2010 and has reached his term limit. Prior to serving on Council, John served on the Board of Ethics, the Zoning Board of Adjustment and on the 2008-2009 Charter Review Committee. John is no stranger to service, having served our country in the United States Army, he is now focusing his efforts to serve Veterans in the community through the Veterans Peer Network, serving as a mentor to veterans involved in Denton County’s Veteran Treatment Court and working to rehab what is now the Chris Kyle Veterans Center at the Victory Therapy Center.
Mayor Pro Tem Michelle Schwolert has decided not to seek re-election. Michelle has served on City Council since 2012 and served on the Planning and Zoning Commission from 2007-2012. She also served on the Highland Village Community Development Board, Council Liaison for the Public Art Advisory Board and at one time served on the Highland Village Police Officer Interview Board. Michelle brought a unique perspective to Council as she worked as Administrative Assistant to the Finance Department from 1999-2001. Michelle is passionate about guiding the youth in our community in making positive and healthy choices when faced with the challenges of today’s social environment. Michelle has taken that passion and made it the driving force of her career as a teacher now at Marcus High School.

Michelle and John have both been strong advocates for Highland Village and worked hard for the betterment of our community. I value the relationships I have with both of these individuals and will miss their insight on City Council. If you see them out and about, please thank them for their service to Highland Village.
One more item before I go into the summer fun we have planned. The City has contracted with Community Waste Disposal (CWD) for solid waste services in Highland Village. The current contract with Waste Management expires in August 31, 2018 and the new service will begin on September 3. In December 2017 the City requested proposals from qualified vendors and, based on a specific set of criteria, selected Community Waste Disposal. The five-year contract with CWD provides enhanced service over the current solid waste contract. Many of the enhancements include the services are residents have requested like increasing the size of the recycling cart or keeping the existing cart, collection of up to one cubic yard of recycling outside of the cart, and the collection of large brush and bulky items twice a month without the need to call and schedule. The monthly fee is $16.24 for residents and $14.65 for senior citizens, which is the lowest fee of the submitted proposals. I encourage our residents to watch their utility bill insert, the City website, the City’s Facebook page and Nextdoor posts from the City for information on the collection schedule, distribution of recycling carts and all necessary information to allow for a smooth transition.

On Saturday, May 5 we will be celebrating the work of our local artists at the Highland Village Art Festival. This is the fourth year for us to partner with The Shops at Highland Village to hold this all day art festival. You’ll see local artists demonstrating and selling their gallery quality artwork. We’ll also have children’s activities and live music; plus we’re right at The Shops at Highland Village so there are plenty of options for dining or shopping the stores. I encourage you to come by and see the beautiful art that is created by members of our community.
We have Movies in the Park scheduled for May 11 and May 18 and the splash pad at Doubletree Ranch Park is open on the weekends until June 1 when it will open daily for the summer season.
Celebrate Highland Village is scheduled for Saturday, June 2. All events this year will be held at Unity Park. In the morning we’ll have the 1k/5k run, the family fishout and the celebration of Arbor Day with a proclamation and free native Texas redbud saplings. Then that evening we’ll be back at Unity Park where we’ll have music by Decades Band and then our spectacular fireworks show.
I hope to see you around the City!