Well, early voting in the primary elections is upon us. I’ve interviewed scores of candidates during the last several months, but there are still a few that have not asked for one of my scintillating sessions under the hot lights. (Just a bit of humor to lighten up what has been a long and, in some cases, turbulent, political season.) In this interview, James Kerbow, running for Justice of the Peace in precinct 3, talks about the duties of a JP, some of the endorsements he’s received and his reasons for running. The following was supplied by Mr. Kerbow from his campaign web page: www.kerbowforjudge.com
“James Kerbow is a 4th generation Texan, born and raised in Lewisville, Texas. He is married to Jessica Kerbow and they have 2 sons; Bradley, 13, and Riggs, 3. James is a direct product of the Lewisville ISD education system, having graduated from Edward S. Marcus High School and studied Hospitality Management at Oklahoma State University and the University of North Texas. James is from a family of political activists. He is a lifelong Conservative Republican and was introduced to the Denton County Republican Party at the early age of 3 in 1987.
“James grew up attending political rallies meeting elected officials such as President George W. Bush, Senator Phil Gramm, State Senator Jane Nelson, and many others. Besides possessing a servant’s heart, James’ sphere of influence in the Metroplex qualifies him to serve as the Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3. He manages a $47 million dollar high-rise community producing a high level of services for his residents. James is committed to giving his time and effort to help make our community a thriving, safe and great place to live.
“He is dedicated to serving the taxpayers of Denton County and giving 110%. The Kerbow name is strong for family tradition of service. James Kerbow will serve the residents of Lewisville, Highland Village, and Copper Canyon upholding the U.S. and State Constitutions, and rule from a non-biased position for fairness and equality. James recognizes the important role our community played in shaping who he is today. He wants to return the same guidance he received back to our community.”
Early voting is from Tuesday through Friday, Feb, 20 to Feb 23, 8am to 5pm; Saturday, Feb 24, from 7am to 7pm; Sunday, Feb. 25 from 1pm to 6pm; and Monday through Friday, Feb. 26 to March 2, 7am to 7pm. Election Day is March 6. For more info on voting times and places, please click on: www.dentongop.org.
Bob Weir is a former NYPD officer, long-time Flower Mound resident and former local newspaper editor.