It’s hard to believe another school year is in the books! Congratulations to the 2016 State Champion Argyle Boys’ Golf team. Could it be possible the district will once again be awarded the Lone Star Cup? I am so proud to serve a community with such talented students!
A big thanks to TxDOT for hosting the public meeting on the proposed improvements to Hwy 377. Many people attended to review the plans, ask questions and share their comments. TxDOT will take the suggestions made that will be discussed before seeing the final plan.
Have you had a chance to try Earl’s 377 yet? They recently held their grand opening and promise to be a fantastic addition to the Town. They have transformed the old Argyle Fire Station into a very special restaurant with a thoughtful vision. I believe the owners were very strategic in bringing the Town something that fits with the image and character the Argyle citizens desire. Before the grand opening, Earl’s showcased their Italian food to people attending the annual Shoot for the Stars event which included live music at the neighboring Fuzzy’s. If you have never attended the Shoot for the Stars event and fundraiser, please keep an eye out for it next spring.
In response to citizen suggestions, the Council amended the meeting Rules of Procedure at the May Council meeting. The new rules will allow Argyle citizens the opportunity to speak first during public hearings. After Argyle citizens have had the opportunity to speak, we will then ask for comments from any neighboring residents. To accomplish this in an orderly fashion, individuals wanting to speak during a public hearing will be required to complete a comment card. We have also moved the “open forum” portion of the meeting to the beginning of the agenda. This will allow residents the opportunity to share comments related to items not on the agenda early on in the meeting.
As the summer gets underway, many people will be traveling. If you want to keep your pulse on the Town and stay up-to-date on meeting agendas, please sign up to receive text or email notifications when an agenda is posted by visiting www.argyletx.com and clicking the “Notify Me” button. We have had many submittals for future developments and we want your opinions.
Our next Council meeting is June 28th. No meetings will be held in July, but we will start up again in full force in August to work on the budget with Council meetings scheduled for August 9th, August 23rd, September 13th and September 27th before resuming our normal schedule in October.
Enjoy your summer and please contact us with any questions or ideas.