Parks and Recreation Input Wanted
We have some awesome parks and recreational programs in Flower Mound, but you can help us make them even better!
The Town is seeking input from residents regarding future community green spaces and recreational programming during two upcoming public meetings, as part of the important Parks and Recreation Master Planning process.
By incorporating feedback from the community, the Parks and Recreation Master Plan will serve as a roadmap for future parks and recreation amenities, town officials said.
Residents may attend either the public meeting on Monday, May 9, at the Flower Mound Senior Center, 2701 West Windsor Dr. or on Tuesday, May 10, at the Community Activity Center, 1200 Gerault Rd. Both meetings start at 6 p.m.
In addition to the public meetings, some residents will receive a survey through the mail to randomly-selected households. Both the survey and public meetings will include questions to assess program and facility needs, and review demographic data, trends, and usage statistics.
Now is the perfect opportunity for residents to tell our Parks and Recreation staff your vision for the future of our park system and recreational programming. Are you happy with the elements of our parks? What is missing from our trail system or our parks? Would you like for us to incorporate art in our parks? What programs do you want us to offer? What can we do to make the Town’s Community Activity Center (CAC) the best? These are the questions we’d love to hear your answers to in these public meetings and survey. Help us make our Town an even better place to enjoy.
The meetings and the survey will be conducted by PROS Consulting, Inc., a specialized management consulting firm comprised of former Parks and Recreation managers who serve public parks and recreation agencies throughout the U.S. and international community.
The project team will utilize resident input to identify the community’s prevailing needs, interests, values, and priorities related to parks, recreation, and open space for the next 5-10 years.
Resident input is so invaluable in the Master Plan process and assists us with prioritizing projects and allocating tax dollars to the most desirable services.
New Event to Honor Fallen Soldiers
New this year, the Town of Flower Mound invites the community to join together to remember our fallen soldiers on Monday, May 30, at 10 a.m. at Town Hall, 2121 Cross Timbers Rd.
The ceremony will feature keynote speakers from the military and local leaders, Color Guard presentations, patriotic music, bagpipes, and a wreath presentation.
In addition, the Town is creating a Wall of Honor comprised pictures and bios of fallen heroes submitted by residents. These heroes will also have their name read during the Memorial Day ceremony. Following the ceremony, their pictures and bios will be displayed inside Town Hall for two weeks.
To submit a photo and bio of a fallen hero for the Wall of Honor, please visit our website: www.flower-mound.com.
FMPD Junior Police Academy Registration Open
Students entering eighth-grade in the fall are invited to be a part of the exciting Flower Mound Police Department Junior Police Academy (JPA) this summer.
While attending, participants will hear a variety of presentations on drug enforcement, criminal investigation, the K-9 unit, traffic stops, and will receive a special behind-the-scenes tour of the police department. In addition, the SWAT team will conduct an exercise with academy students.
FMPD will host two JPA sessions from 8 a.m. to noon at the Police Department, 4150 Kirkpatrick Lane, for students who live in Flower Mound: Session 1, from June 20 – 24; and Session 2, from July 18 – 22.
Space is limited; parents are encouraged to complete a registration form found online at www.flower-mound.com/juniorpoliceacademy, and return it to the Police Department. All registration forms are due by 5 p.m. on Monday, May 30. Once a student has been accepted to JPA, a $20 registration fee is due on the first day of class.
Don’t Forget To Vote!
This year’s Flower Mound General/Special Election will take place May 7. Mayor and Council places 2, and 4 are up for election, with two-year terms. Council Place 1 is also up for election to fill an unexpired term for one year.
Polls will be open on Saturday, May 7, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
The polling location for voters who live west of FM 2499 is the Flower Mound Library, 3030 Broadmoor Lane.
Voters who live east of FM 2499 should vote at Flower Mound Municipal Court, 4150 Kirkpatrick Lane.
For more information on the election, please call 972-874-6070.