Saturday, July 27, 2024

City expands mosquito eradication services

Highland Village City Hall. Photo by Bill Castleman
Highland Village City Hall. Photo by Bill Castleman

The Highland Village City Council on Tuesday authorized a professional services agreement with Municipal Mosquito for the identification, control and eradication of mosquitoes which carry West Nile Virus, Chickungunya, and Zika arborvirus.

The city contracted with Municipal Mosquito in 2012 and began a mosquito control program to address the West Nile Virus public health threat.

Municipal Mosquito has performed mosquito management services, trained city staff to receive Texas Department of Health licenses to spray mosquito control chemicals in creeks and wooded areas throughout the city.

In the past three years no human WNV cases have been reported inside the city even though several positive WNV pools have been found and treated.

The new contract includes the identification, control and eradication of mosquitoes carrying the Chic V, Zika and WNV arborvirus.

Council also voted to cancel the March 8 and the April 26 City Council meetings.

Mayor Charlotte Wilcox presented the State of the City video. The video provides the state of the city from the perspective of a realtor, Mayor Wilcox, showing the city to a potential homeowner.

The city partnered with Trietsch Memorial United Methodist Church and the Stage Right Ministry to develop song lyrics for the video. “The Stage Right Ministry students are so talented. They took our concept, put their creative twist on it and recorded it for our use. We appreciate them volunteering their time and talent,” said Wilcox.

Stage Right Ministry is directed by Taryn Cain and the students who participated are Briee Daniels, Jessica Miller, Matthew Black, Carson Reynolds, Colby Reynolds and Russell Noe.

The HVTV Update informed residents of the services provided by the Highland Village Police Department.

The City Council early work session and regular session is available on HVTV (Time Warner 16; Verizon 43) and via the website streaming by clicking HVTV. The meetings are also available for on-demand viewing on the city website.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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