Friday, December 13, 2024

Krueger: New title is best one yet

Argyle Mayor Peggy Krueger
Argyle Mayor Peggy Krueger

This article is going to be short and sweet. I am packing my bags to go see my first grandbaby! I have viewed pictures and watched videos of my friends that are grandparents for way too long! Now I am a grandmother and have never seen a baby this cute. I have loved seeing all the pictures from friends that were confident their grandkid was the cutest but that was before Carlton Belew Krueger was born. This has been a great summer with my new “grandmother” title. I believe this has to be the greatest title yet.

Between being Mayor and making everyone that crosses my path look at my grandson’s pictures, I have loved being a part of this special time in Argyle. The Town officials and volunteers of Argyle have spent many hours building on the vision of past leadership to bring quality development to our town. The demand for excellence is bringing quality proposals to the table. The Council has given the Town staff direction in ascertaining whether or not a proposed projects is the type of development that the Argyle residents have demanded.

I am positive the reason we are moving in the right direction is the enormous amount of input from the citizens of Argyle. This Town belongs to the great people that live here, and the amount of pride and love you have for Argyle is obvious by citizen participation and communication of ideas to help develop Argyle in a way to preserve what makes Argyle unique. We want you to continue bringing comments. You elected this Town Council to serve you and bring your ideas to fruition. Please keep bringing your ideas. We have many proposals that we all need to review. Don’t forget that this is your Town and your voice is heard!

Thank you to all of the wonderful people that are giving their time to create special events around Town. You have a Town Council and staff that are eager to hear from you. I believe we are going to have a busy fall with the many proposals that will need your input. You make the Town and there is no idea too small. The details will make the difference.

Hope all enjoyed their short summer. Don’t forget that we are the most blessed Nation in the world. Stay informed.


CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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