Thursday, March 6, 2025

Mitchell: 12 Days of Thankfulness

As the holiday season begins, thinking about thankfulness is a time-honored tradition that not only honors others but fills us with gratitude for all that life has brought us as well as for those who surround us.

In keeping with another holiday tradition of the 12 Days of Christmas, I am sharing a list of that for which we are most thankful.

With this bit of reflection, I hope it will help in developing your own list of things for which you are grateful:

On the first day of Thankfulness, we are blessed to live in a thriving county of more than 1 million people, many of whom work, live, go to school, retire, or play here. All of you make our county the home it is.

On the second day of Thankfulness, we are grateful for the many leaders in our communities, school districts, nonprofits, organizations, and county and state governments for all they do to help us live our best lives.

On the third day of Thankfulness, we are hopeful as we see our youngsters develop and grow into the next generation of leaders. We see them at school, church, boys and girls’ scouts and clubs, in 4-H, and other leadership groups. Their determination gives us a wonderful glimpse of tomorrow’s possibilities.

On the fourth day of Thankfulness, we are honored to work among the many employees who dedicate their lives to serving the public – whether as police and firefighters, EMTs and other healthcare first responders, public and private teachers, road maintenance crews and garbage collectors, and so many more. Everyone doing their part to serve the public makes the whole world within Denton County go round.

On the fifth day of Thankfulness, we are appreciative of our many businesses – small, medium, and large – as well as our Chambers of Commerce, who together work to provide opportunities for employment for our residents and help our local economy thrive.

On the sixth day of Thankfulness, we are beholden to those who volunteer to help individuals in need. Each day, thousands contribute time and effort to feed the hungry, house the homeless, and help people of all ages dealing with everything from domestic violence to child abuse and more. Your precious gifts of helping those less fortunate create a brighter outlook for everyone.

On the seventh day of Thankfulness, we are glad for our clergy and the many congregations who gather in worship. Regardless of your chosen faiths, exercising the right of religious freedom is a vital part of who we are as Americans, Texans, and residents of Denton County.

On the eighth day of Thankfulness, we are much obliged for the opportunity to continue to serve the residents of Denton County as members of the Commissioners Court. It has been an honor to serve as your Precinct 3 Commissioner and I look forward to the next four years.

On the ninth day of Thankfulness, we are overwhelmed by the outpouring of ongoing donations from residents, clubs, businesses and others to benefit our families who need a helping hand. Your thoughtfulness and willingness to give help are boundless.

On the tenth day of Thankfulness, we are happy for the holidays and the wonderful season of goodwill toward others. It is an opportunity to reach toward each other with open arms and hearts.

On the eleventh day of Thankfulness, we are deeply indebted to the almost 2,000 employees who have dedicated years to the county in service of our residents – from our tax office to our Court clerks to our 9-1-1 Dispatchers – so many unsung heroes who make a difference every day. We are proud to call them our coworkers.

On the twelfth day of Thankfulness, we are truly fulfilled by each of you who bless our lives, sharing your experiences so that we all may benefit. We appreciate you – friends, families, neighbors, coworkers, fellow organization members, and even those passersby who stop to show kindness for a moment or two. Kindness is truly the best gift you can give.

During this time of thankfulness, I wish all of you the best of holidays and hope all of you will be blessed!


Connect With Us: Be sure and connect with Denton County on Facebook at and on Twitter @DentonCountyTX. You can also follow me at If you have any questions or comments, please let me hear from you. My email is [email protected] and my office number is 972-434-4780.

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