Hello Bartonville! The recent heavy rains have exacerbated several drainage issues around town, including a washed-out culvert on W. Jeter. Town staff is working to address these issues as quickly as possible. We also experienced several downed trees across our roads during the storms. I want to thank ESD #1, Councilmember Keith Crandall, and Bartonville PD for helping clear the roadways. The Town will once again be hiring a company to trim limbs throughout town that potentially impacts safety by overhanging the roads and blocking signs. Please continue to do your part so that we may minimize the cost of this service. By ordinance, each property owner is responsible for maintaining the bar ditch out to the roadway edge, including trees.
Participation at our Annual Spring Clean Up Event was down again this year. Seventy-two residents took the opportunity to safely dispose of documents, electronics, bulk items and more. Thank you to Lantana Community Church, Waste Connections, and the volunteers for making this event possible. Please do not forget, we have our town partnership with Household Hazardous Waste to provide residents with a FREE monthly curbside collection for the safe disposal of paint, oil, lightbulbs, and other hazardous waste items. For more information and to request a pickup, visit www.townofbartonville.com/HHW or call 972-440-2040.
During the April 16 Town Council Meeting, the Town Council approved Work Order #6 to continue our annual road maintenance work, contracted with SPI Asphalt. This work will include crack sealing along a section of E. Jeter Road, fog sealing most of Stonewood, Country Court, and Dove Creek, as well as patching numerous potholes around town.
Please watch out for workers and be patient as we make these improvements. The Town Council also authorized the town engineer to move forward with the design and bid services for E. Jeter Road Phase 2 Reconstruction. This project will continue the reconstruction of E. Jeter Road from the west end of the previous project for an additional 1,650 linear feet.
Another new subdivision has submitted a final plat application that will be acted upon in May. Knight’s Landing will feature 15 residential lots ranging from 6 acres to 8 acres each on 101 acres. This low-density development will be located off of E. Jeter Road between Porter Road and Country Court. This brings the total number of new residential lots since 2022 to 103 on 375 acres. This follows the Town of Bartonville’s adopted Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
Bartonville’s first-annual Memorial Day Celebration is approaching quickly. This is anticipated to become a yearly community gathering, with this inaugural event taking place Monday, May 27, from 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Town Hall. Bring your family and friends for a chance to enjoy live music, bounce houses, and games as a community.
Development Update:
Andy’s Frozen Custard and Swig are well underway in front of Kroger, with concrete being poured the week of April 22.
Whataburger is nearing completion of their new location in Bartonville. It appears they are looking at a June opening, but we will send out updated information via our social media channels when we know more.
Knight’s Landing (RE-5, minimum 5-acre lot subdivision on E. Jeter, between Porter and Gibbons) – this subdivision includes 15 residential lots.
Deer Hollow (RE-5, minimum 5-acre lot subdivision behind Hat Creek) – this subdivision includes 14 residential lots.
Eagle Ridge (RE-2, minimum 2-acre lot subdivision across FM 407 from Tractor Supply) – this subdivision includes 33 residential lots.
Hudson Hills (RE-2, minimum 2-acre lot subdivision behind Marty B’s) – this subdivision includes 33 residential lots.
Trifecta Estates (RE-2, minimum 2-acre lot subdivision off McMakin) – this subdivision includes 8 residential lots.
Do not miss any exciting news, updates, or meetings; visit the Town’s website at townofbartonville.com and sign up for updates by clicking on “Notify Me.”