Hello Bartonville!
Spring is in bloom, and the plentiful mix of rain and sun has everything growing again. While this creates a beautiful and green landscape around Town, please be mindful of the resulting maintenance needed. Please remember to mow and/or clear blockage in your bar ditches and trim any low-hanging tree branches over the right-of-way.
As you are cleaning up from the recent storms, some of which did considerable damage in Bartonville, please remember that Saturday, April 13, the Bartonville Annual Spring Clean Up Event will be held from 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. at Lantana Fellowship Church. This event is FREE to Bartonville residents. We will have trash trucks, document shredding, computer crushers, and a donation truck for small household items. Back by popular demand, disposal of tree limbs and brush will also be available this year. Tree limbs and logs may be 15” in diameter maximum and no treated wood, plastic, lumber, wood with nails, etc., can be processed through the woodchipper. Double check your mail for the informational postcard that was mailed to residents at the end of March.
As we are cleaning up around our properties, it is also a great time to clear out your medicine cabinet of old prescriptions. On Saturday, April 27, the Bartonville Police Department is partnering with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to host a townwide “Drug Take-Back Day.” The program, which is spearheaded by the DEA, provides convenient locations across the nation for the public to drop off unneeded substances or other medications from our medicine cabinets. This is a no-questions-asked program, and drop-offs are completely anonymous. The goal is to prevent prescription pill abuse and addiction in our community by providing a safe way for citizens to dispose of excess, unused, or expired prescription drugs. That Saturday between 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., residents can drop off prescriptions at Town Hall. For more information on the DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, visit takebackday.dea.gov.
Over the next few months, the Town Council will be looking at estimates to continue our annual road improvements throughout Bartonville. These improvements will include pothole repair as well as crack sealing on several streets. We will also be setting the parameters for E. Jeter Phase II and sending that project out for bid. This will continue the reconstruction that began at Porter Road and will eventually extend to Gibbons Road. This project has been ultimately planned as three phases.
Town staff is communicating with TxDOT concerning issues along FM 407, and that will continue over the upcoming months to make improvements along this roadway. Issues include the possible need to reconfigure the light at McMakin and FM 407 to improve wait times for those looking to travel north on FM 407. A request for “No U-Turn” signs at IT Neely and FM 407 has been made, and we will follow up on that. Additionally, we are looking for an update on the proposed traffic lights at IT Neely and Rayzor Road and will update residents when we have more information.
This year the Town of Bartonville, through the hard work of our Special Events Committee, will host our first annual Memorial Day Celebration. This is anticipated to become a yearly community gathering, with this inaugural event taking place Monday, May 27, from 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Town Hall. Bring your family and friends for a chance to enjoy music, bounce houses, and games as a community. More details to follow.
Development Update:
Andy’s Frozen Custard and Swig have started site work as they prepare to begin construction at FM 407 and E. Jeter in front of Kroger.
Whataburger is nearing completion of their new location at FM 407 and Blanco. When an open date is announced, we will send that information out via our social media channels.
Deer Hollow (5-acre subdivision behind Hat Creek) – this subdivision includes 14 residential lots.
Eagle Ridge (2-acre subdivision across FM 407 from Tractor Supply) – this subdivision includes 33 residential lots.
Hudson Hills (2-acre subdivision behind Marty B’s) – this subdivision includes 33 residential lots.
Trifecta Estates (2-acre subdivision off McMakin) – this subdivision includes 8 residential lots.
Do not miss any exciting news, updates, or meetings; visit the Town’s website at www.townofbartonville.com and sign up for updates by clicking on “Notify Me.”