Thursday, May 9, 2024

Argyle Police Blotter

The following is a summary of recent incident reports made to the Argyle Police Department as compiled by the staff of The CTG:

On Jan. 1 at 3:07 a.m., a woman reported seeing six or seven teenagers drinking at her ex-husband’s house on River Meadows Lane. Police responded to find the home was dark and quiet. An officer knocked multiple times before someone came to the door and said she lives there with her father, who was not home, and there were six or seven people there but everyone else was asleep. The officer did not see or smell any alcohol in or around the home from the front door. The daughter said her father was going through a divorce, and she saw his ex walking around the property earlier that night and believed she called police on them to try to get them in trouble. The officer advised them of local laws and left.

On Jan. 4, a resident reported that someone put mustard and cat food on her daughter’s vehicle in the driveway on Hearth Terrace, and toilet papered the bushes. The officer said it didn’t meet the offense of criminal mischief, but the incident would be documented in case it happens again.

On Jan. 12, a man requested police check on his wife at home on Old Justin Road because when he left the house, she wasn’t feeling well and he couldn’t get a hold of her by phone. An officer checked and found the woman had fallen asleep and accidentally left her ringer off.

On Jan. 17, a man reported that he accidentally ran over a family’s dog while he was leaving a home where he was doing aquarium work. He attempted CPR on the dog and notified the housekeeper, who called the homeowner. The man wanted to inform the police in case the family tried to file charges. An officer said it would only be a civil matter, if that.

On Jan. 20, a resident of Sunset Court reported that teenagers keep driving up the street and doing donuts in the cul-de-sac, off-and-on all day, and the caller couldn’t sleep because of all the smoke, and she was concerned the teens could hit a brick wall. An officer contacted the teen who said he was the one driving and doing donuts, and he doesn’t have a driver’s license. The officer told him to not drive, and he understood and apologized. The officer made his mother aware of the situation.

On Jan. 22, an employee at a business on Hwy 377 reported that a former employee keeps coming back to the business. He was there that morning, got inside and went into the room where he used to work and started cleaning. “He was talking about taking photos of a sink and acting weird” before he left, according to the caller.

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith is the Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette.

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