Each year as November once again comes around, I am reminded yet again of how fortunate we all are to live in this great county.
In our busy lives with hectic schedules, the days and weeks pass by quickly until another year is almost at an end.
In Denton County, so many individuals, organizations, communities, and school districts work together to address the many needs of our residents. We coordinate efforts to feed the hungry, house the homeless, help find jobs for those seeking employment, and ensure the safety of our children and our neighborhoods.
Often, newcomers and visitors will mention how they have never seen a county so well connected and willing to work collectively to better the lives of all who call our county home. And each time I hear those words, my heart fills with pride for the giving hearts of so many individuals who care not only for their own, but for others around them.
In the years I have been blessed to call Denton County home, we have experienced phenomenal growth – this year surpassing the 1 million mark in January. Yet, regardless of our fast-paced growth, our volunteers and leaders continue to strive to meet the needs of those who can use a helping hand.
In Lewisville, for example, the city quickly responded to senior needs by developing a gap payment program to help cover the rising costs of rent.
I have watched non-profit organizations meet twice a month to coordinate how to share food to help feed the growing number of hungry families challenged with rising costs and limited incomes.
Our United Way of Denton County coordinates workshops ranging from covering childcare deserts to developing easier access to mental health resources and much more – bringing leaders from local companies to municipalities and school districts to create solutions.
Our chambers of commerce work hand-in-hand to attract businesses with better paying jobs and to support those companies that have weathered economic ups and downs to ensure they stay within Denton County to provide our residents a plethora of job opportunities from which to choose.
Many of our churches expanded their programs to include food pantries, cleanup of historic cemeteries and working with newcomers to help them get settled.
This is just a smattering of the numerous collaborative partnerships we see throughout Denton County, which brings me back to gratitude.
Without the heart and soul of our residents reaching out to each other, this county would not be the special place we have all come to know and love.
And for this, I am deeply grateful and blessed to call myself a Denton County resident and to be blessed to know all of you.
Together, we indeed make a difference and, together, we continue to stand strong.
Connect With Us:  Be sure and connect with Denton County on Facebook at facebook.com/DentonCountyTX and on X/Twitter @DentonCountyTX. You can also follow me at facebook.com/DentonCountyCommissionerBobbieMitchell. If you have any questions or comments, please let me hear from you. My email is [email protected] and my office number is 972-434-4780.