Thursday, May 16, 2024

OpenGym concept could be a game changer

Picture yourself on an empty court — maybe a little music, your basketball, and no distractions. While that would be a dream come true, a problem most athletes on the hunt for gym space run into is that they can’t find anything that offers convenient reservations that also guarantee privacy on the court. Even if all they need is half the court, there could be a lot happening on the other side.

This is where Chris Adams can help. The Flower Mound resident, contractor, and lifelong sports fan recently started a unique gym model called OpenGym that offers the optimal practice environment combined with innovative technology — instantly creating access to a basketball experience one would think is reserved for the pros.

“The other models didn’t work for me. It seemed that unless I was willing to build a massive facility and run a concession stand, there weren’t options I felt I could succeed with,” Adams said. “I had a WNBA player listen to our concept. She said the analytics and technology we aim to provide are amazing, but our end goal of a private space available by booking online is why she would come in the first place … and where was this when she was in high school?”

OpenGym currently operates two SkinnyGyms. The main space is where you can use Pivot, OpenGym’s flagship product. Pivot is a user-controlled backboard capable of rotating 180 degrees. This allows users to shoot from all the shot locations of a half-court but in a space that’s one-fourth the square footage.

“By using Pivot to reduce the space needed to start a gym, I solved many of the problems I faced with the other models. We are focused on delivering a customized experience for guests. Come by yourself, bring a friend, train hard, or just go have fun,” Adams said. “We have patents pending on the technologies, and the goal is to franchise this model. We want to build and service different locations all over. That’s the vision, and we are close.”

OpenGym wrapped up a successful Kickstarter Campaign on August 20th and reached 134% of their goal.

For more information and to book a session at OpenGym, visit

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