Monday, May 6, 2024

More Important Than a College Education: The developmental importance of preschool gymnastics

By Mike Winburn

We were told that getting a college education was the key to success. Not necessarily anymore.

Early childhood experiences, such as preschool gymnastics, can have a profound impact on a child’s overall development, beyond a four-year college education. Findings by the Harvard Graduate School of Education (Christina Weiland, Ed.M.’08, Professor Hiro Yoshikawa 2013) indicate that participation in a quality preschool program affects early brain development with executive functions like the ability to focus and behavior.

“Our results suggest that curricula in these areas may also improve such domains as executive functioning, even without directly targeting them,” Weiland said. “Interestingly, research shows that these kinds of skills — which reflect early brain development, the ability to focus, and behavior — are critical to children’s success down the road.”

These studies confirm what I already know about kids. I’ve been coaching gymnastics to preschoolers since 1980. In my 43 years of studying these cute little stinkers, I have learned that teaching 3–5-year-olds through playful, fun activities creates a spark inside them that translates to success.

It is not about what we are learning, it is that learning is fun! Taking risks is fun! Moving is fun! Through playful games and gymnastics progressions, we use a positive approach to learning that “Catches Kids Doing Things Right” and gives them a love of learning that stays with them for the rest of their lives.

Unfortunately, there is no second chance for them to build this positive attitude toward learning. By age 4, if they don’t have this positive association, children can become afraid of trying new things, unmotivated and uninterested. We want children to be excited about learning!

Here are some benefits of preschool gymnastics:

Cognitive and Emotional Development: Preschool gymnastics stimulates intense cognitive and emotional development, enhances their ability to focus, concentrate, and follow instructions. They also develop emotional resilience, discipline, perseverance and grit, which are essential qualities for success in any endeavor.

Physical Development: Gymnastics promotes the development of gross motor skills, coordination, balance, and flexibility.

Social Skills and Confidence: Through fun group activities and teamwork, children learn to communicate, cooperate, and build relationships.

While a college education undoubtedly holds immense value, when you compare the rapid changes occurring in the brain of a preschooler, you will realize the importance of the experiences you provide them that will dramatically impact their development.

Win Kids Sports and Learning Center specializes in providing the highest quality preschool gymnastics and academic experiences available anywhere. We have over 160 years of combined experience in our full-time coaching staff, and we have invested heavily in the safety and effectiveness of our curriculums and facilities for this age. Come try a Free Introductory Class! Call 972-355-9988 or visit


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