Friday, February 14, 2025

Town of Double Oak Update — August 2023

Hello Double Oak Citizens. The town council works hard on many things involving our town and how they govern. The work being done behind the scenes is impressive. Double Oak has many ordinances and resolutions that require updating.

Another priority is getting more proactive with our boards, commissions, and committees. Here is an example of the town council being proactive.

Town Boards and Commissions

The Town Council has been reviewing all active and inactive boards, commissions, and committees that have been a part of Double Oak for many years. The end in mind goal is making these boards, commissions, and committees more active and to have them assist the town council in the awareness of the needs of Double Oak and its citizens.

On July 17th, the town council, led by Council Member Pat Wellen, abolished the Conservation/Tree Committee, which the Planning and Zoning Commission already covers, combined the Town Hall Renovations Committee and Town Beautification Committee into the Town Buildings and Grounds committee and are taking the necessary steps to revive the Double Oak Citizens Committee which is contained in our town ordinances Article 1.1100.

The Double Oak Citizens Commission hears, considers, and gives recommendations to the mayor on citizens’ complaints or concerns related to staff, contractors, or the council. Five members serve staggered two-year terms, and there are two alternates. There will be more information to follow regarding the Double Oak Citizens Committee.

Our Board of Adjustments and Planning and Zoning are the two most important and active with our town government. BOA and P&Z are always looking for additions to their teams, and if you are interested, please visit this link for more information:

Double Oak Roof Repairs

The hailstorm from a few weeks back took its toll on Double Oak citizens’ roofs. Our permitting process at Town Hall has been busy getting the appropriate background and insurance checks done on the prospective contractors working within the town to do roof repairs. Below are some tips that should make you more aware of what is happening around you with all the work being done.

  1. All roofing companies must be permitted to do work within Double Oak. If you find one that is not, please get in touch with Double Oak Public Works with the location and name of the contractor.
  2. Please always keep your doors and windows locked and your garage doors in the closed position. You never know who could be lurking or trying to look like a contractor but is not.
  3. Keep your car doors locked and take all items of value into your home to not tempt others to break in.
  4. If you have items of value on your patios or front stoops, please be mindful and protect them accordingly.
  5. Please vary your routines if you typically have the same ways of coming or going while contractors are around for multiple days.
  6. If you are home alone and someone comes to the door, please do not open the door if you do not know the person. When approaching your front door, if this happens, please have your cell phone in your hand and ready to dial 911 if you feel threatened.
  7. Contractors can start after 7 a.m. to get their work done. We have many citizens who exercise in the mornings. If you are exercising alone, please have something to protect yourself with, such as mace or something similar that you can fend off an attack. Or have your cell phone in your hand, ready to dial 911.
  8. Most homes in Double Oak have pools. If you are using your pool during the day, please be aware that you could be watched from the rooftops of the homes having work done around you.
  9. All the roofing materials being removed and hauled off increases the chances of nails on our streets and roadways. Now and then, walk on the streets in front of your home with an eye out for those stray nails that can puncture your or your neighbor’s tires.
  10. Please be safe and be aware of your surroundings and who is in your neighborhood. When in doubt, call 911, and our Double Oak Police Department will respond and check things out.

Double Oak Town Websites & Social Media

Since the launch of the new town website in May 2020, portions of the website have been changed, moved around, and updated. Departments can send out email alerts and news to keep our citizens informed regularly, so please ensure you’re subscribed to our E-Alerts.

In 2022, the town migrated its Ordinances to a new platform called eCode360. With the new platform, staff has begun adding public documents such as Resolutions, Ordinances, and Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes. More is on the way!

To avoid any scams, please be aware that the town currently has four official social media channels:

Please like, follow, and subscribe to stay informed outside our website.

Upcoming July Events

  • Town Council Meeting – August 7 – 7 p.m.
  • Double Oak Women’s Club – August 15 – 7 p.m.
  • Jellybeans – Snack Bags – Drop Off – August 16 – 9 to 11 a.m.
  • Town Council Meeting – August 21 – 7 p.m.
  • 50th Anniversary Committee Meeting – August 28 – 7 p.m.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update and, more importantly, being involved citizens in this Great Town called Double Oak!

Any opinions expressed in this update are my thoughts and not officially those of the Town of Double Oak or the Town Council. I welcome all comments and suggestions. Be sure to catch all exciting news or updates; please visit the Double Oak Town website at In addition to contacting Town Hall at 972-539-9464, Double Oak citizens may reach me at [email protected].

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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