Monday, September 16, 2024

The Arts: Weathering the storm

Here in North Texas, we’re familiar with and used to one of the more powerful influencers of all time…the weather. We have the actual weather, the predicted weather and the threatened weather, just to name a few.

The scheduled Flower Mound Art Festival was definitely influenced by the predicted and threatened weather the weekend of May 12-14. After months of preparation, hard work and anticipation, the Art Festival was postponed due to forecasted severe weather. Unfortunately, there are no good alternatives to a large festival in a park. Flower Mound doesn’t have a facility to accommodate all the components of the festival, including live performances, art activities, artist vendors, student art displays, scavenger hunts, food trucks and the community mural painting projects. With no alternate location, musicians and artists concerned for their instruments and works of art and unsafe setup conditions impacting the workers who support the festival, the event had to be postponed. Sept. 30 is the new date for the festival, so instead of being a spring event, this year the art fest will be an event for autumn.

With the festival rescheduled for September, it means we have several great art events to look forward to from now through November, many of which are weather safe!

Now through July 31, the Flower Mound Town Hall Art Wall will display art from gifted and prolific local artist, Anita Robbins. Anita is an art teacher, business owner and art enabler for the many local artists who call southern Denton County home. As with some art works on display on the art wall, it may be possible to purchase one of Anita’s works. Information will be provided about Anita and her works at Town Hall. (Weather safe.)

June 3 is the annual and ever-popular Chalk the Walk event in Heritage Park, from 9 a.m. to noon. This is a family friendly, colorful and fun competition that results in the discovery of some amazing young artists in Flower Mound. There is also a Chalk the Walk every fall, so watch for the fall date to be announced. (Weather hopeful.)

The Art Wall at the Community Activity Center has art by painter Eva Marie Gunderson. Eva’s work was installed at the end of May and will be on display through the end of August. Eva is a 20-year Flower Mound resident and creates works inspired by nature, especially the sea. Information about purchasing Eva’s work will be available at the CAC. (Weather safe.)

The new works of art for the town signal boxes have been chosen and will be installed in June. The three new works of art will bring the signal boxes that grace the streets of the town to a total of 15. (Weather safe.)

The annual Art Party will be held at the Library in November. Details will appear in a future column. Additionally, the library has ongoing opportunities for people to create in the Creation Lab. The Creation Lab currently boasts 12 machines, and more machines that support creativity have been planned. Visit the Library website for more details about this art opportunity for all residents. (Weather safe.)

We Texans know to remain weather-aware. To remain art-aware, visit the town’s art website:

So, mark your calendars for the rescheduled Flower Mound Art Festival at Heritage Park on Saturday, Sept. 30, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Weather permitting.)

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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