Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Flower Mound Mayor’s Message — April 2023

Hello, Flower Mound! It’s finally spring, which means it’s also time for early voting ahead of the May 6 General and Special Elections. This year, Town Council Places 2 and 5 are up for election. Brad Ruthrauff and Chris Drew are running for Place 2, and Ann Martin is running unopposed for reelection to Place 5. Flower Mound Town Council members are elected for three-year terms and serve “at-large,” which means each represents the entire community. It’s so important that you get out and vote!

In addition to the Town Council election, there is also a bond election related to the construction of a possible tennis center in Flower Mound. Flower Mound residents will vote on Proposition A, which if approved by voters, will issue $7.5 million in general obligation bonds toward the cost of designing, constructing, and equipping a tennis center in town.

A digital rendering of the future Flower Mound Tennis Center, image courtesy of the town of Flower Mound

A bit of history on this item: On May 17, 2021, Flower Mound Town Council approved a Tennis Center Feasibility Study to be conducted. The finalized study, which incorporated substantial public input, was presented to the Town Council on April 21, 2022. Following the completion of that study, Town Council held multiple work sessions, and we were presented with funding options for the proposed center. During the Feb. 6, 2023, regular meeting, Town Council voted to call a bond election and place Proposition A on the May 6 bond election ballot.

The tennis center is projected to cost $15 million to design, construct, and equip. If approved, Proposition A would authorize $7.5 million of that cost to be paid from the general obligation bonds. Repayment of the general obligation bonds is anticipated to come from the Town’s 4B Sales Tax revenues and property taxes. (Flower Mound’s 4B Sales Tax dedicates one-fourth of one percent of sales tax collections to park and recreation improvements. It was approved by Flower Mound voters on Nov. 6, 2007). The remaining $7.5 million in cost will be cash contributions from the proposed fund balances of the General Fund, 4B Sales Tax Fund, and the Park Development Fund.

So what does all of this mean in terms of impact to residents? The Town plans to repay the $7.5 million in general obligation bonds with a combination of 4B Sales Tax revenues and property taxes. If repayment is issued equally between the funds, the projected impact on the property tax rate would be $0.0022. Based on an average home value of $448,540, that would amount to an extra $0.82 per month or $9.87 per year for Flower Mound residential properties with that average value.

If Proposition A is passed by Flower Mound voters, possible amenities at the tennis center could include:

• 16 lighted tennis courts
• 12 lighted pickleball courts
• Parking
• A club house with restrooms
• A playground
• Landscaping
• Walking trails

The potential center would be built at Trotter Park (4551 Cross Timbers Rd.), which is 13.11 acres of undeveloped, Town-owned land. During its first year of operation, the proposed center would have an estimated operating and maintenance cost of $719,423 and an estimated operating revenue of $609,250. The tennis center is estimated to recover nearly 85 percent of its projected operating cost in the first year. For more information on the proposed tennis center, Proposition A, the history of this item, and for renderings of the proposed facility, visit

After years of discussing, planning, and reviewing potential plans, Flower Mound Town Council, staff, and our consultant have done a lot of work preparing information on what a potential tennis center could look like, how it would be funded and operated, and where it would be located. Now, it’s up to the residents of Flower Mound to decide whether or not this is an amenity they want to fund. Be sure to vote in the May election to ensure your voice is heard.

Early voting runs April 24 through May 2, ahead of the May 6 Election Day. To find early voting locations and times and to find your polling location for election day, visit Thank you for being an engaged resident and letting us know your priorities for our wonderful town by continuing to vote in local elections!

I’ll see you back here in May. In the meantime, be sure to get out and enjoy Flower Mound’s wonderful outdoor spaces and take advantage of our spring weather!

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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