Friday, July 26, 2024

P&Z recommends approval of Argyle Technology Center

This week, the Argyle Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval of a zoning change to allow for a new retail and office development billed the Argyle Technology Center.

The currently undeveloped 10.4-acre tract of land is located south of the U.S. Post Office and Argyle Town Hall and is zoned for Agricultural use. The applicant, TennBay Real Estate Investments, requested the zoning be changed to Planned Development District. The development is in compliance with the town’s Future Land Use Plan destination of T5 – Regional Center for the property.

As presented, the concept plan proposes one 15,000-square-foot mixed use building fronting Hwy 377 that would be be used for retail and restaurant space. Behind that building would be four 5,000-square-foot office buildings and four 7,000-square-foot office buildings. The development would include driveways connecting to Hwy 377, Rusk Street and the First Baptist Church parking lot. Seventy protected trees would be removed from the property to allow for the development, and there would be 291 parking spaces.

During the developer’s presentation, Mike Sisk of TennBay said his company plans to move into one of the buildings in the proposed development.

The applicant brought its plan before P&Z a month earlier, but the item was tabled so that commissioners’ concerns could be addressed, and the applicant made several revisions, including increasing the landscape buffer around the property, the elimination of undesirable uses, preservation of more protected trees, confirmation that a masonry wall will be included on the south side of the property adjacent to the Settler’s Point neighborhood (and no prefabricated wall will be used) a reduction of parking spaces on the south side of the development, and more.

After lengthy discussion, P&Z voted 4-1 to recommend approval of the zoning change request. It now goes to Town Council for approval.

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith is the Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette.

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