Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Bartonville Town Update — January 2023

Happy New Year! 2022 was the ninth year for the Bartonville Police Department’s Blue SantaProgram providing gifts to 39 kids, and once again, the kindness and generosity of the Bartonville community made it an enormous success. Thank you to the many residents who contributed giftsand monetary donations, to The Bartonville Store and Luminous Glow Med Spa for their toycollections and donations, to Waste Connections for donating five bicycles, and finally to the ArgyleStudent Leadership group (PALS) for their efforts in wrapping all the gifts. This program would notbe possible without all of you.

I want to thank the volunteers who braved the rainy day to participate in the Mayors Red Kettle Challenge for the Salvation Army on Saturday, Dec. 10th. As of this writing our team collected a little over $1,100.00. All revenue raised through your efforts will stay in our local community to help neighbors navigate the challenges of poverty, addiction, and homelessness.

The Planning and Zoning Commission received the full Comprehensive Plan survey results at their regular meeting on Dec. 7. The Commissioners will conduct a thorough review of the current Comprehensive Plan over the next few months to ensure that it continues to align with the input received from the resident surveys before making recommendations to Town Council.

Property taxes are due January 31st in Texas, and as statements begin to arrive in the mail there is an annual discussion on this topic. Towns and cities often receive the bulk of the calls regarding tax bills, but I encourage residents to look closely at their property tax statements to see where the taxes go. The Town of Bartonville’s percentage of the total tax will be less than 10% of the amount due. Town Council has set the current property tax rate in Bartonville at $0.173646 per $100 valuation which is one of the lowest in the state. On a $10,000 tax bill, the Town would collect about $950 to provide services, while the school district (ISD) will receive almost $7,400. The ESD and Denton County round out the balance of the bill.

As we move into our coldest months, please take a moment to sign-up for the free e-mail/cell phone text message Emergency Notification system provided by Denton County Emergency Services District #1 at These alerts will let you know the instant a severe weather watch or warning is issued by the National Weather Service for Bartonville. If you have not already,please visit the Town’s website at and sign up for updates byclicking on “Notify Me.”

Town Hall will be closed Monday, Jan. 16, 2023, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

New Subdivisions Under Construction:

Eagle Ridge (across 407 from Tractor Supply) – This subdivision includes 38 two-acre residential lots on 87 acres. Most of the concrete for the streets has been poured and the perimeter fence is currently under construction.

Deer Hollow (behind Hat Creek) – This subdivision includes 14 five-acre residential lots on 81acres. Site work is underway with street construction to begin within the next few months.

In addition to contacting Town Hall at 817.693.5280, residents may reach me at [email protected]

The Council and I wish you and your families a safe and prosperous New Year.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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