Monday, February 17, 2025

Argyle Police Blotter

The following is a summary of recent incident reports made to the Argyle Police Department as compiled by the staff of The CTG:

On Aug. 4 at 2:38 p.m., an officer responded to a home because someone reported they kept their dog in the garage with no ventilation. The officer found the dog in the house with air conditioning and plenty of food and water. Residents in the home said the caller was probably their son’s ex-wife or an ex-employee trying to cause trouble.

On Aug. 4 at 9:58 p.m., a resident called police because there were 10-12 children being loud near the Cherokee Trail cul-de-sac. Officers arrived and told the kids, who were playing wiffleball, to go home because it was past curfew. They cooperated.

On Aug. 6 at 12:42 p.m., a driver on I-35W southbound reported that there was a road rage incident on the highway in which another driver brandished a gun at them.

On Aug. 6 at 3:26 p.m., a woman reported that the previous evening, a young man exposed himself to her inside CVS.

On Aug. 12 at 9 p.m., a caller reported that six boys were playing in a construction area near Plaza Lane in Harvest and the caller could hear them breaking glass in the alley. An officer located the boys at a nearby home and spoke to the parents. The kids were taken back with brooms and trash bags to clean up the mess.

On Aug. 15 at 4:26 p.m., a woman reported that she was vacuuming her car at the car wash on Hwy 377 at Frenchtown Road, when a black man backed his car into the spot next to hers. After he left, the woman said she could not find her $800 sunglasses and thought the other driver took them. Before an officer could be dispatched, the woman found her sunglasses.

On Aug. 16 at 4:29 a.m., an officer saw a suspicious vehicle parked in the back parking lot of Earl’s Pizza. The officer found a 19-year-old man, who said he was sleeping, amid vape pens in the car and conducted a search. He had the man toss all his vape pens in the dumpster and then let him leave.

On Aug. 16 at 6:56 p.m., a caller reported seeing two vehicles driving southbound on John Paine Road in the northbound lane. Two northbound vehicles had to swerve, and nearly hit each other, to avoid the southbound vehicles.

On Aug. 17 at 9:07 p.m., a caller reported that a vehicle was stopped in the middle of the road at FM 407 and Hwy 377, and the driver was slumped over inside. Another caller stopped to help the driver and said the driver woke up but was not aware of what was going on. When police arrived, the man told officers that he had two beers at a brewery in Roanoke. An officer conducted a field sobriety test and “did not observe enough clues” to arrest him, so they had the man agree to call for an Uber and leave his vehicle in the CVS parking lot.

On Aug. 19 at 8:53 a.m., a resident reported seeing a wild cat and thought it was an ocelot, which is not native to North Texas. An officer advised him that what he saw was a bobcat and it will not attack people.

On Aug. 23 at 1:19 p.m., a builder reported that many windows were taken from a job site in Harvest and it was a real pane.

On Aug. 30 at 4:34 p.m., a resident on Clear Cove reported finding an opossum in their vehicle’s engine. The “opossum is not very happy” after the caller tried to use a broom to get it to leave. An officer responded and tried for about 15 minutes to remove the opossum, but was unable to do so.

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith is the Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette.

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