Emergencies are unplanned. We can plan our reaction to them. For older adults, family members and neighbors of older adults, what does this look like?
If someone in your world; parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, neighbor, had an emergency such as a heart attack, auto accident or fall, would you know what to do? Would you know who to call after 911? Do you know where the insurance cards are? Who the primary physician is? Who takes care of the dog/cat? Who has Power of Attorney to make decisions if the individual can’t? What is their social security number? Is there a DNR (do-not-resuscitate order)?
These are all questions we should know the answer to especially if we are involved in any way in helping an older adult stay independent. How many of us do? Most older adults hold privacy dear and are not comfortable sharing a lot of this information. I encourage you to have the conversation of why someone else knowing this type of information is important! The ER is not the place to start asking these questions.
I’ve put together the GO Binder and Essential 4-1-1 Binder from my experiences with my parents and family members. The GO Binder is for emergency situations or unexpected hospitalizations. The Essential 4-1-1 Binder is a supplement to a binder your Estate Planning Attorney may give you. It covers the non-legal things such as where the spare keys are, who takes the dog or cat, what is your email password, what bills need to be paid, etc.
This information can help you in a crisis situation and for planning purposes. They can be great starters for some of the heavy conversations that should be had.
To order your PDF of either one or both please request at www.GoBinder.info and www.Essential411Binder.info
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Edwena Potter, Certified Senior Housing Professional, Keller Williams Realty, 469-616-0561 [email protected]