Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Northlake Notes — April 2022

A couple of weeks back, I experienced another of the most emotional moments I’ve had serving our town. The story has been shared on social media and on this newspaper’s website previously so I’ll just mention it briefly.

Pecan Square resident Anna Rhone, front and center, was named an honorary Northlake police officer in a ceremony in March, photo courtesy of Hollywood.

Anna Rhone, a young girl who resides with her family in Pecan Square in Northlake was sworn in as an honorary officer of the Northlake PD.

Anna suffers from a serious medical condition and had a dream to be a police officer. Several groups banded together to make it possible including the newly minted Northlake Citizens Police Academy (CPA) Alumni, Northlake PD, volunteer groups, and her hospital caregivers as well as the community and the HOA.

In multiple moving ceremonies, she was driven by police escort from her home, sworn in to the PD in full uniform backed by most of the Northlake PD and finished with further ceremonies to award her with a certificate and challenge coins at a celebration with cake. No one who attended could come away with a dry eye. Her brave struggle is an inspiration and we are united in our hopes and prayers for a cure to be found for her.

I am very proud of our new Northlake CPA alumni team and so happy with the first class who spent weeks learning police procedures and policies and experiencing ride alongs and a trip to the jail. Programs like this enhance community relations and provide valuable volunteers for events and police needs.

The team also organized the response to our two injured officers and raised thousands of dollars and weeks of meals and assistance for their families. Thank you for the outpouring of support and empathy from all over the region. Both are doing well on their recoveries and they are both making great progress towards recovery.

The Town of Northlake is blessed to have many selfless public employees and a community of empathetic and caring residents that show their appreciation to them. These are the times and events that knit us together as a community. We are all so proud to call this place home.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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