A local pet is one of 10 finalists to be named the next Cadbury Bunny.
Will O’ Wisp is a 2-year-old white polydactyl (she has thumbs) cat who was rescued as a kitten and had to have most of her tail amputated due to gangrene. She likes to run on her wheel and “parkour” around the house, and “she is a bunny in spirit as her favorite treats are spinach and brussel sprouts.”
Will O’ and her human Sarah Elkins are hoping to win the contest and appear in the classic Cadbury Bunny Easter commercial this year — plus a cash prize of $5,000. She has been named a finalist along with nine other animals — none of which are rabbits — to win the grand prize, which will be chosen with the help of America’s vote.
You can vote every day through Tuesday for your favorite in the contest. Cadbury will donate up to $20,000 to the ASPCA, depending on the amount of votes cast.