Wednesday, February 12, 2025

United Way of Denton County establishes winter storm relief fund

(Photo by Janine Easley)

United Way of Denton County has established the Texas Winter Storm Disaster Relief Fund as a resource for the community to donate and support individuals and families in Denton County suffering from the effects of last week’s historic winter storm.

As the Denton County community cleans up from the winter storm, the devastation continues to create additional hardships for individuals and families lacking food, water, and, in many cases, safe living conditions.

“Once again, United Way of Denton County appeals to the generosity of our community to aid neighbors who are struggling to recover from the longterm effects of last week’s historic weather events that brought loss of power, loss of water, and adverse impact to their homes,” said Gary Henderson, President & CEO of United Way of Denton County.

“Your generous donations will bridge immediate gaps so lives can return to normalcy as quickly as possible.”

Funds received will be distributed through grants to Denton County nonprofits and/or direct client assistance.

Donations can be made to the Texas Winter Storm Disaster Relief Fund here.

Denton County has been declared a federal disaster area. Residents may apply for disaster relief assistance through FEMA here.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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