It’s the most wonderful time of the year. That time when we come together to celebrate a time of thanks, to give and receive gifts, and to welcome a new year. Turkeys will be cooked, trees put up and decorated, and inevitably mad dashes for last minute gifts will be made.
Most importantly we will spend time with loved ones and good friends who, oftentimes, we may not get to see as much as we’d like.
That’s how most of us think about the Holiday Season. However, for others it’s much more troublesome. For those with balance and mobility problems, every step can be a difficult task.
Along with that difficulty is fear. Fear their next step may lead to falling, and the implications that come with that. Fear from their loved ones and caregivers about how mom or dad, grandma or grandpa are doing by themselves. Always with the worry, “who will be there if there is a fall?”
For older Americans falls are the leading cause of injury and hospitalization. For those alone without quick access to help, falls can not only mark the end of their ability to live independently but can take a turn for the tragic if they are left incapacitated.
This Holiday Season make sure to check on older loved ones often. If you have elderly relatives visiting, go to to make sure your home is ready to accommodate them.
Older Americans (65 and up) experience over 30 million falls a year. Be proactive with your loved ones. Don’t wait for them to fall to start getting ready. After all, Noah didn’t wait for the rain to start before building the ark.
Lastly, you should consider the gift of a medical alert device from Medical Alert Southwest. These devices will give peace of mind to the elderly and their family and friends alike. We can’t prevent medical emergencies from happening, but you can rest assured knowing that in the event of an emergency, anytime, anywhere help will be on the way quickly, giving the best chance for a full recovery.
Happy Holidays from Medical Alert Southwest. Let us help your family come together for many more holiday seasons!
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