Saturday, July 27, 2024

News from Double Oak Town Hall — May 2020

Double Oak Mayor Mike Donnelly

Hello from Town Hall,

This month’s column is being written on Friday morning, May 1, 2020. Gov. Abbott’s Open Texas plan started today.

Double Oak’s current Declaration of Local Disaster Order is in line with the State of Texas and Denton County‘s Orders. The Town’s Order will remain consistent with Texas and Denton County’s future Orders.

Double Oak is known as the town of volunteers. Please continue to check on your neighbors and assist them if able to do so in a safe manner. If you need help from town hall, let us know and we will do our best to assist.

Town Hall remains closed to the public at this time. Continue to contact town administration by phone and email.

Town Council Swearing-Ins

Congratulations to Anita Nelson, Joe Dent, and Billie Garrett who were unopposed on their re-election to two-year terms and to Von Beougher who was unopposed on his re-election to a one-year term. Town Secretary Eileen Kennedy is planning to administer the oath of office on Monday, May 18, 2020 at 7 p.m.

National Police Week May 10–May 16

Please show your appreciation and thanks to our Double Oak Police Department especially during this week. You are welcome to send emails to Police Chief Derrick Watson at [email protected] and he will share with the officers.

Double Oak Spring Cleaning Tips 

Spring weather can make a mess of your yard and our local waterways. Here are a few tips for getting your landscape back in shape and keeping local lakes, streams and rivers clean:

Avoid putting any permanent structures in flood prone areas of your yard and try to keep those areas clear during the spring. Spring storms can create standing water and voluntary streams that wash loose dirt and debris out of your yard and into creeks and roadside ditches where they are carried downstream to local waterways.

Keep grass clippings, leaves and debris out of local streams and wetlands. Compost your yard waste or dispose of it in your street-side pick-up. Yard waste that ends up in wetlands or streams contributes to algae growth in the summer, making the water green and smelly.

Stabilize your soil and increase infiltration by planting deep-rooted native plants or trees. The roots of turf grass extend only two to three inches into the soil, giving it little ability to hang on when the water flows. Native flowers and grasses, on the other hand, can have root systems four to twelve feet deep! These deep roots anchor the plants and keep soil from washing away. They also increase the amount of water the soil can absorb, meaning that more water sinks into recharge groundwater aquifers and less ends up in the storm drain.

If you live along a stream or wetland, it is important to maintain a healthy un-mowed buffer along your shoreline. A shoreline or stream bank planted in trees and native plants will hold the soil steady when it rains. Buffers also catch and filter many of the pollutants found in storm water runoff.

Message from Code Enforcement

Double Oak property owners, the town asks for your help.

Code Enforcement actively implements the Town’s Code of Ordinances and responds to concerns and complaints regarding a variety of potential code violations relating to property standards, illegal signage, etc.

Abiding by the Town’s Code of Ordinances helps all of us to be good neighbors and encourages pride in neighborhoods and the Town. The codes are in place to establish and maintain standards for the health, safety, and aesthetics of the community.

The weather forecast for the next two weeks looks nice. The town asks all property owners to please check your property and ensure: Tall grass and weeds are completely mowed; Tree limbs which go across a town street are kept higher than 12 ft.; Ground vegetation and/or tree branches are cut back from a town street sign and/or traffic sign; Check your property from the street view to ensure no vegetation is growing into the public street. If it is close, please cut the vegetation back from the street; Property is maintained and clear of debris, junk and old signage.

The Town reminds all residents to remove your Republic Services cart from the street after it has been serviced.

Please refer to the Town’s Code of Ordinances regarding the posting of garage sale and political signage.

Property owners are responsible for your bar ditch drainage.

The town sincerely appreciates individuals and neighborhoods for keeping the medians mowed and trimmed. If you know of a neighbor who may need some help, kindly reach out to them. If your children need community service hours, they are welcome to mow, weed eat and pick up litter and the town will be happy to write them a letter.

Double Oak residents are the best and always help out when asked.

History made with online council meeting and announcement of new town website

The town added to its history with the first ever online council meeting which was held on Monday, April 20, 2020. The council meeting video may be viewed by visiting the town website on the Town Council Minutes page.

Double Oak is preparing to roll-out a new and improved website. Residents will be notified during the month of May when the new website goes live. Residents will be able to sign-up with an email address to receive town communications. There will be a list of alerts and messages you can choose from. If you currently receive town communications from Town Secretary Eileen Kennedy that communication tool will be phased out. You will need to sign-up through the new website once it goes live.

Our sincere thanks to our amazing staff member Brian Shults. Besides his normal duties as Town Clerk, Brian has worked tirelessly to ensure the town council Zoom webinar meeting went well.

Waketon Road Improvement Project

Double Oak and Flower Mound have approved an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (ICA) for this project. We anticipate the engineers putting this project out to bid late spring/early summer. Stay tuned for further information.

Republic Services plans to replace carts

Republic Services is making plans to swap the Waste Management carts with new Republic Services recycle and trash carts. Republic Services personnel will conduct an account audit during the cart replacement. At some point in the future, Republic Services will only service their carts and no other carts. Stay tuned for further information.

Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, please pause and remember those who have died in service of our nation.

Congratulations to all of our Graduates! Happy Mother’s Day!

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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