We are experiencing a temporary new norm. While it is trying times for us all, it is also a time where we are recognizing the value of our families, friends, and each other. I have seen such a positive “can-do” spirit within our community. Let’s take a moment to recognize everything that is working well.
Businesses and restaurants are adapting. Most of our local restaurants are offering curbside service, to go, or delivery so you won’t miss out on your favorite dishes and some restaurant staff can keep working. Local retailers are moving to online sales and delivery.
Grocery stores are being stocked and most products are available – there is no need to hoard. Some of our local grocery stores are offering special shopping times for seniors. Our schools are still providing meals for homebound students. Teachers are teaching remotely and our kids are learning, hopefully anyway. Parents are learning, too, about homeschooling and the value of quality family time.
We are spending time in our own front yards, neighbors are waving to each other, and kids are drawing inspiring messages in chalk on their driveways, sidewalks and on our trails. We are sharing ideas on how to keep the kids, and adults, entertained and encouraged. Our churches are continuing with Sunday services that can be watched online. Many people are connecting to each other through video conferencing. Through it all we’re learning how we can positively impact each other.
Your city employees are continuing to provide service to you. The offices are closed to the public for everyone’s safety, however employees are reporting to work and adhering to CDC recommendations. If you have questions or need to contact staff, they are available. You can call, email, or send a message on our social media channels – they are responding quickly. Our police officers are still out in the community, maintaining the necessary distances but still offering the sense of security and normalcy of our community policing model. Our fire department is there for you in case of an emergency and they have extra personal protection equipment (PPE’s) to keep them safe when responding to a medical call. Our street and utility crews are continuing their normal work within the City. Parks employees are working hard to ensure the parks and trails are maintained as normal so when you do go outside you have a well-maintained space. Communications continues to provide information as we receive it.
Online services are available to conduct business with the City. Our website is our storehouse for information and we are using all our social media channels to share information as well as helpful messages and activities. Our employees are preparing and working proactively to ensure they can continue to provide essential services.
The County continues to monitor the situation in our area and the state. Our County Judge Andy Eads, our County Commissioners, and the Public Health staff are enacting measures to keep us safe from contracting the coronavirus. The mandates issued are for our own benefit. The real responsibility is ours. And I see so many taking responsibility for themselves and their families. We each need to pay attention to and follow the mandates and safety protocols. It is our hope our collective behavior will minimize the medical and economic impact on ourselves, families, friends, neighbors and strangers. We realize it is time to care for each other. As we each do our part, we are working toward putting an end to the coronavirus cycle so normalcy can return.
From my home to your home, I encourage you to remain positive. Continue to see the good that is happening around us. Our beliefs and actions are choices. Let’s all choose to look for what is working well and what we can do to be of assistance and service to others.
As always, I am honored to serve as your Mayor. Now more than ever you all make me proud to be a Texan and a Highland Village resident. We will get through this and we will come out stronger.