Friday, December 13, 2024

C. Stroup: Mother Nature Can Sure Dish It Out!

I suppose it’s like this in every state,
The weather is horrid. Then the weather turns great.
The last few years have been such a mess
A plethora of damage spread from east to west.


Hurricanes hit islands and the eastern seaboard
While tornadoes proved to Dorothy she wasn’t home anymore.
Torrential rains swept houses away
Leaving residents homeless with no churches to pray.


Snow storms piled layers too many to count,
And after some cleanup more white stuff came down.
It paralyzed cities for days at a time
Dropping fine coatings in inches ~ sometimes more than nine!


Then baseball size hail followed by flooding a plenty
Made so many homeless ~ trying to count too many.
That wasn’t enough so mud slides slithered in
Sweeping a path of what was left with a grin.


Hawaii’s volcano threw up for weeks.
She acted like she’d swallowed some really bad fish to eat.
And while all this was going on,
California firefighters were battling horrific fire storms
Which blazed from well past dusk ‘til way early dawn.


Every night on the evening news stories were told
Of the horrible situations from here to all parts of the world.
But no matter where the tragedy hit
The people came together, they became close knit.


So while Mother Nature did her best to devastate
The rebuild process will not wait.
It may take some time to fix the mess she made
But we’ll have learned  a lesson from her rage.

C. Stroup
C. Stroup
Cindy Stroup is a Double Oak resident and has been contributing to The Cross Timbers Gazette for over 35 years. Read her column each month in The Cross Timbers Gazette newspaper.

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