By Andrew W. Wills, Mayor Pro Tem
Greetings Double Oak Neighbors!
Spring is rapidly approaching and we have a number of activities and reminders to share with our residents.
Spring Activities
As our weather gets warmer, many of you will be working in your gardens and performing maintenance on your property. As you perform these activities, please keep the following in mind:
Tree Trimming: Now is a great time to check trees located on your property, especially those that extend over the space of any street, alley, or public roadway. Any tree branch hanging lower than 12 feet over a roadway should be trimmed to comply with town ordinances. Any other trees or large shrubs that may obstruct views at intersections should be checked and pruned accordingly. If you have any questions about tree removal or trimming, please contact Staff at Town Hall.
Brush Burning: Please make sure that you follow all local and county ordinances for disposal of brush by fire. All residents are required to check the Denton County Burn Site (available from the Town Website) to see if burning is allowed for the day. Although a permit is not required in Double Oak, you must phone (940) 349-2840 and leave your contact information. Please do not leave any fires unattended and make sure all are safely extinguished for the safety of our community.
Spring Break: Did you know that our Double Oak Police Department offers complimentary home watches while you are away on vacation? Enjoy your trip even more knowing that our police force will keep an eye on your home and property. Visit our website or stop by Town Hall for more information.
Repairs / Renovations / Drainage: Should you plan to perform any work on your property, please check with Town Hall to determine if you need a permit. This is a popular time of the year for outdoor improvements, home renovations, and shoring up drainage issues from record rainfall last year. Our helpful and friendly staff will make sure all of your questions are answered and help you obtain any required permits. Please remember that it is each homeowner’s responsibility to maintain property bar ditches to ensure proper drainage and no standing water.
Call Before You Dig: Many outside activities involves digging or hiring of contractors. Please call 811 and provide at least a 48-hour advance notification if you or contractors will be digging on your property. This keeps everyone safe while work is being done!
Pedestrian Traffic: Double Oak’s unique rural atmosphere makes it even more important for us to share the road with pedestrian and cyclist traffic, especially as it increases during warmer weather. Please be alert, maintain a safe speed at or below the posted limit, and share the road with your neighbors.
Bulk Trash Day: As a reminder, Double Oak’s contracted solid waste disposal provider, Republic Services, offers bulk trash pickup on the third Friday of each month. Republic will pick up additional items on bulk day, but please call in advance so they can staff appropriately. Republic also offers hazardous waste pickup service at your door (old paint, batteries, oil, CFL bulbs, etc.) that cannot be placed in regular trash. Contact Republic’s Customer Service at (254) 687-2456 or (800) 860-0123 for more information.
Daylight Saving Time: Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour on Sunday, March 10 at 2 a.m.
Furry Residents: Double Oak is blessed to have so many furry friends who live in our town! Many are very clever at finding ways to escape from your home to seek adventure throughout the town and neighboring communities. Please check fencing so your companions will be safe when they are outdoors and consider joining where Double Oak Residents share information about lost and found pets, along with many other items of interest to the community.
We have a fantastic town full of neighbors helping neighbors and I see so many residents working tirelessly to make sure that escape artists are returned to their home. We also have a very diverse wildlife population within Double Oak that may not be friendly toward smaller animals – please stay alert when outdoors so our furry residents will remain safe. If you see an animal wondering around and need help, please contact our Animal Control Officer, Brian Hall, at (817) 401-1861.
Town Secretary
Our long-time, beloved Town Secretary Charlotte Allen retired from the Town on February 1. Residents, Council, staff, friends, and family gathered on February 4 to celebrate her many years of and to give her the proper send-off she earned and deserved! On behalf of the Town and Council, we wish Charlotte the very best as she begins this new season of her life!
Council recently appointed Eileen Kennedy as Acting Town Secretary while Council works diligently to appoint a new Town Secretary. We extend a very special thanks to Eileen and Lynn Jones, Court Clerk, for tirelessly working to serve the residents of our town during this interim period.
Outdoor Emergency Notification Sirens and Severe Weather
Spring also brings higher potential threats for severe weather! To best serve our residents, the Town is pleased to announce two additional emergency notification sirens will soon be constructed. The Town of Flower Mound and Double Oak have partnered together for Double Oak to be included as part of Flower Mound’s overall network. With the upcoming installation of a warning siren funded by the Town of Double Oak and a second one funded by the Town of Flower Mound, the majority of our residents and bordering Flower Mound citizens will benefit from increased notification coverage. This is a fantastic example of neighbors working together to find a mutually beneficial solution for all!
Outdoor emergency notification sirens are intended to alert residents who are outdoors to seek shelter immediately and can be activated town-wide or within a localized area for emergencies. While these sirens are not necessarily intended to alert residents indoors, you may still be able to hear them depending on your proximity to one. Spend some time this spring to make sure you and your family are severe weather ready. Excellent resources are available at
A huge thank you to the Town of Flower Mound for this invaluable partnership. We also extend our sincere gratitude to CoServ, who generously funded $5,000 of the siren cost through their not-for-profit organization. And, last, but not least, a special thanks to Fire Chief Scott Whisenhunt and Police Chief Derrick Watson for leading this initiative!
May 4, 2019 Municipal Election
Town Council elections have been cancelled as the filing period for the seat of Mayor and two Council Members has expired. The following candidates are unopposed: Mayor Mike Donnelly and Council Members Scott Whisenhunt and Ginger Brittain.
Town Hall Renovations
Council Member Ginger Brittain leads our initiative to refresh our Town Hall and Pavilion. While plans are still in preliminary stages, Ms. Brittain has partnered with many individuals to map out improvements and strategies to update Town Hall and modernize it for our residents and staff. If you are a business owner or private citizen who would like to participate in the renovation process, please contact Ms. Brittain through the Town’s website.
Annual Audit
The town received an outstanding audit report for FY2017-2018! We appreciate the efforts of staff, our Town Treasurer Ted Gruenloh, and Mayor Donnelly who worked tirelessly with our independent auditor. The Town maintains a strong financial position and the current audit report, along with historical audits, are available on the Town website.
Women’s History Month
During the entire month of March, we celebrate and commemorate famous women in history who dedicated their lives as advocates for gender equality, innovation, leadership, public service, peace, among many other important things. Throughout history, women have made extremely valuable contributions to society that benefit all of us today. Locally, I know each of us can name many influential women who have helped shape our lives and had a positive impact on us – and we should take a few moments to thank them during this special month. As a community, we extend sincere and heartfelt appreciation to the many ladies in Double Oak who faithfully serve to make their families, communities, churches, charities, and our town a better place!
Double Oak Women’s Club
Speaking of influential and great women leaders, our Double Oak Women’s Club is actively serving our community in many ways. Make a special note on your calendar for these fun events to support the DOWC.
Annual Casino Night – March 30, 2019, Town Hall: Buy your tickets now to attend this fun event! This annual fundraiser benefits the DOWC scholarship, which is awarded each year to a graduating Double Oak senior. Scholarship applications are available at Guyer, Liberty, and Marcus high schools and are available to home school students at Christian Academy of America (Jonathan Pulaski). To purchase tickets or for additional information on how you can help, please visit the Town’s website and click the link for the Double Oak Women’s Club.
Annual Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt – April 13th, 9 a.m. Double Oak Fire Station: This annual event is one truly enjoyed by people of all ages! Breakfast starts at 9 a.m., with the egg hunt at 10:30 a.m. Additional information is available on the Double Oak Women’s Club website.
Spring is certainly a busy time for all of us, but I want to take one final moment to extend a special thank you to our amazing citizens who make our Town so very special. It is truly my honor and privilege to serve you. Please stop by a Council Meeting or send me an email if I can ever be of assistance.