Flower Mound firefighters are heading home Tuesday after helping fight a large wildfire in California.
On Nov. 12, the Flower Mound Fire Department sent a fire engine and five firefighters to California after being requested to help with the Woosley Fire as part of the Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System. The deployment was for up to 14 days.
FMFD began its first 24-hour shift on Thursday, reinforcing containment lines and extinguishing hot spots around the perimeter of the Woolsey Fire, which was about 57 percent contained and located near the border of Los Angeles and Ventura counties, according to the department.
On Monday, the department announced on social media that with 94 percent of the fire now contained, the FMFD crew would be returning home. They are expected to arrive Wednesday, just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday.
The Woolsey Fire reached more than 96,000 acres, destroying at least 1,500 structures, according to FMFD.
“Everybody in California has been very appreciate of everyone from Texas’ response,” said Brandon Barth, FMFD spokesman. “Our guys were glad to participate, to gain experience and bring it back to help train other Flower Mound firefighters.”