Greetings from Bartonville!
It looks like fall is finally making an appearance with cooler and wetter weather. With our odd weather pattern this year, there has been an invasion of armyworms, which can destroy a pasture or lawn. NBC 5 and Texas A&M have been reporting on this, so thought we would pass along the warning.
We are pleased to announce the plans for the old Bartonville store located at 96 McMakin (corner of E. Jeter and McMakin). The purchaser intends to keep the current character of the building and convert it to a restaurant. The name will remain the same, The Bartonville Store, and it plans to open in early 2019.
Council has been busy. At the September Town Council meeting, the Fiscal Year 2018-19 budget was approved. The approved budget includes increased spending on roads while maintaining other service levels for citizens. Additionally, the Town Council voted unanimously to maintain our current low property tax rate of $0.192940 per $100 valuation.
The November Town Council meeting is on Wednesday, November 14th at 7pm
With all the recent rain, grass in the bar ditches has quickly grown. Please take time to mow your ditches and clear away debris that might be clogging the drains. Also, mosquito season is in full swing, so please be aware of, and remove, areas of standing water.
Hard to believe we are already talking about Fall Festivals and Halloween. Please be mindful of our local trick-or-treaters. Fun is planned at the Bartonville Town Center. There is the kids fishing event at 11 a.m. on October 6 and the Classic Car Show on Saturday, October 20 at 10 a.m.
We are all starting to venture outside again with the cooler temperatures, hope to see you around!