Sunday, February 9, 2025

From the Desk of Bobbie Mitchell – October 2018

Bobbie Mitchell, Denton County Commissioner, Pct. 3

Get a Flu Shot

As the summer season ends and we look forward to cooler temperatures, cold and flu season begins, and flu prevention practices are once again encouraged.

Denton County Public Health (DCPH) received voluntary reports from medical providers of more than 3,500 positive flu cases during the 2017-20118 flu season. CDC described 2017-2018 as a high severity season. Flu activity is currently low, but increases are expected in the fall.

DCPH wants to remind you that the flu vaccine is the absolute most effective defense for you and your family this season. Start your fight against this year’s flu season with a flu vaccine this fall and practice regular hand washing, avoiding contact with individuals who are sick, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

If you start to experience flu symptoms, it is encouraged that you stay home and avoid contact with others except to receive medical care.

For more prevention tips and information on symptoms, as well as a flu vaccine finder, visit Look for us on the website:

Denton County Veterans Office FAQ’s:

 How can I get transportation to the VA hospital in Dallas? Call SPAN Transportation to Schedule your ride the to the VA (940) 382-1900.

I was wounded in 1945 and want to file a claim for service-connected benefits what should I do? Claims for service connection are so complicated that they should only be attempted with a counselor’s assistance. We have four counselors in this office that understand the VA and how to apply the law to our benefit.

I have been turned down several times before for my service connected injuries and no one can help me. This office understands the law under which the VA must operate, Title 38 Code of Federal Regulations. We apply the law in the interest of the veteran not the VA.

My mother is in a nursing home on Medicaid receiving $45 per month; can she get some help from the VA? She may be eligible for $90 per month in lieu of the $45 she gets now if her deceased spouse was a combat era veteran.

I just had a heart attack and cannot work anymore; can the VA help me? The VA provides a pension for veterans of a war time era that are permanently and totally disabled, based on income. We would have to review your income to determine how much would be available from the VA.

The cost of my prescriptions is getting to be more than I can afford. Will the VA fill them for me? No, the VA will not directly fill a civilian doctor’s prescriptions. However, if you are eligible to use VA medical facilities you can take those prescriptions to a doctor’s appointment with the VA and the attending physician can prescribe like medicines for you at a charge of generally $9.00 co-pay per prescription.

As an honorably discharged veteran, I know that I am eligible to be buried in a VA cemetery. Is there one in the North Texas area and can I reserve a spot?  Yes, the Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery opened in May 2000. It is located at 2191 Mountain Creek Parkway, Telephone 214/467-3374. No- you can’t make a reservation. Your funeral director knows the procedures. The VA will provide a gravesite, graveliner, headstone or marker, Presidential Memorial Certificate, U.S. Flag and perpetual care of the gravesite.

Are there any VA medical facilities in the North Texas area and where are they located? Yes, there are three primary medical facilities located in the North Texas area. First, is the Dallas VA medical Center located at 4500 S. Lancaster in South Dallas, telephone 1 (800) 849-3597. Second, is the Fort Worth Outpatient Clinic located at 300 West Rosedale, telephone 1 (800) 443-9672. Third, is the Sam Rayburn Memorial Veterans Center located at 1201 East 9th St. in Bonham. There is a fourth VA facility, the Denton Community Based Outpatient Clinic, located 2223 Colorado Blvd., Denton, Texas 76205 behind the Golden Triangle Mall and next to the Sonic Drive–in. the local phone number is (940)-891-6350

I need a copy of my discharge, my DD214. How can I get a copy? Hopefully, you registered it with your local county clerk upon returning home. If so, it would be readily available to you. If not, we at the Denton County Veterans Service Office, submit an online request from the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) requesting a copy be sent to you. You should receive requested copy in six weeks.

Over the many years since I left the military I have lost all my medals and awards. Is there some way I can get them replaced by the Government? Yes there is. Come into our office with a copy of your discharge papers and we will complete a form that will be sent to the NPRC for replacement medals and awards. We understand that the system is greatly backlogged at the current time, however, all requests will ultimately be filled. Generally, there is no charge for medal or award replacements.

Time to start thinking about Voting again here in Denton County. November 6, 2018 is the General Election.

 Early Voting stars this Monday, October 22 at these locations: Highland Village Municipal Complex, Flower Mound Municipal Court, Denton County Southwest Courthouse, Robson Ranch Fitness Center, Lewisville Municipal Annex, Denton County Elections Administration. More voting info at

Must each commissioner’s precinct have an early voting polling place? Sometimes. In a primary election, the November general election for state and county officers, or a special election to fill a vacancy in congress or the legislature, the commissioners court in a county with a population of 120,000 or more but less than 400,000 must establish a temporary branch early voting polling place in each commissioners precinct containing territory covered by the election. The commissioners court in a county with a population of more than 100,000 but less than 120,000 must establish a temporary branch polling place in each commissioners precinct for which it receives a timely written request signed by at least 15 registered voters of the precinct. Election Code §85.062(c).

Our Denton County United Way campaign has begun!

 At Denton County, we understand the strength of working together… and so does United Way of Denton County. United Way of Denton County empowers donors like you and me to invest in neighbors for a better Denton County community. They work collaboratively with a variety of nonprofits, governments and organizations to provide Denton County with needed services. Working together, they identify our community’s most vital needs and implement collaborative, innovative solutions to improve lives in Denton County. Remember, to live better, we must live #UNITED4DentonCounty. If you have any questions please call 940-566-5851 or email [email protected]

Did You Know?

That the Denton County Veterans Office will be opening a location at the Southwest Courthouse in Pct. 4 on Fridays in October for a trial run to see if there is a need for more services in southern Denton County.  Please call today to schedule your Friday appointment beginning in October!

The Denton County Veterans Service Office offers vital assistance to Denton County Veterans and their dependents in filing VA benefit claims.

The Main office is located in Denton at the Mary and Jim Horn Center: 1505 East McKinney Street
Denton, TX 76209-4525. Call 940-349-2950 or 972-434-8813.

Connect With Us:  Be sure and connect with Denton County on Facebook at and on Twitter @DentonCountyTX.

If you have any questions or comments, please let me hear from you. My email is [email protected] and my office number is 972-434-4780.

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CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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