Keep Flower Mound Beautiful has rescheduled its annual Fall Trash Bash for Oct. 20, changing it from Saturday because of the rainy forecast.
The community is invited to help clean up Flower Mound at the Fall Trash Bash on Oct. 20.
The Keep Flower Mound Beautiful Trash Off and Environmental Education Fair starts at 8:30 a.m. in the Flower Mound High School parking lot, 3411 Peters Colony Road, according to a town news release.
The community clean-up will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and lunch will be provided courtesy of the Summit Club. There will be giveaways, door prizes and awards for most trash/recyclables collected. There will be a pet-friendly Environmental Health Fair from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. with a variety of vendor booths and kids’ activities, open to everyone.
Attendees can drop off their electronics to be recycled with Best Buy, have their documents shredded with Shred-It and Recycle2Support (benefiting Christian Community Action) will collect gently-used houseware items, textiles, and clothing donations, according to the news release.
To register for the community cleanup or for more information, click here.